Canadian Chinese Wu Yifan wins award of first international music! Wear the Tang Dynasty outfit show

Canadian Chinese Wu Yifan wins award of first international music! Wear the Tang Dynasty outfit show song is strung together burn

On August 26, canadian Chinese Wu Yifan wins award of first international music in Canadian Toronto. He also announces a good news on his small gain. He states China has a lot of nice music people and good music, hope the world can be heard.

Canadian Chinese Wu Yifan wins award of first international music! Wear the Tang Dynasty outfit show song is strung together burn

CTV of channel of Canadian cable video and the 2018 IHeartRadio MMVAs that MUCH holds jointly (IHeartRadio Much Music Video Awards) prize-giving celebration of video of year optimal music, hold in Toronto downtown on August 26 afternoon local time.

Canadian Chinese Wu Yifan wins award of first international music! Wear the Tang Dynasty outfit show song is strung together burn

The spot performs Wu Yifan. This also is the biggest street on the world one of prize-giving celebration. Prize-giving ceremony of music of North America authority.

Canadian Chinese Wu Yifan wins award of first international music! Wear the Tang Dynasty outfit show song is strung together burn

Wu Yifan (English: Kris Wu; On November 6, 1990) this name Li Jiaheng, canadian book Chinese, be born in Guangdong to save Guangzhou, went out in Korea 2012, ever combined EXO and header of Chinese element EXO-M for Korea man.

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