Chinese track and field 5 names person: Liu Xiang, Su Bingtian presents as leading role, hall of Tsi

Beijing time on August 26, man of match of track and field of 2018 Jakarta Asia Game in 100 meters of final, su Bingtian of 100 meters of flying people of Chinese is relaxed conquer is other Asian adversary, final he with 9 seconds the achievement of 92 carries off champion and refresh 9 seconds the record of Asia Game sports meet of 93, he also becomes afterwards 2010 the dash famous general of the Asia Game after fatigue justice, the 2nd carries off man the Chinese athlete of 100 Mi Yayun champion, the first additionally this also is Su Bingtian large and integrated games 100 meters of gold.

Chinese track and field 5 names person: Liu Xiang, Su Bingtian presents as leading role, hall of Tsinghua teacher, celebrity female will go up a list of names posted up

Be about to year full flying person Su Bingtian comes from the China of 29 one full year of life Guangdong Zhongshan, he ever ran to cross 9 seconds 2015 the achievement of 99, the Asian mainland that also becomes the first to run into 10 seconds to close greatly from now on flies person, additionally he is in 2015 Beijing world bright and beautiful contest, bright and beautiful contest killed London life twice continuously 2017 into 100 meters of final, refresh the new record of Asian track man. This year, su Bingtian still runs to cross 9 seconds 90 with 9 seconds 91 (two) much better achievement, just because exceed wind speed 9 seconds the achievement of 90 was not maintained, and 9 seconds the achievement of 91 also is current Asian record, this one record is maintained jointly by the black of he and Qatar nationalization.

Liu Xiang

Chinese track and field 5 names person: Liu Xiang, Su Bingtian presents as leading role, hall of Tsinghua teacher, celebrity female will go up a list of names posted up

Without doubt, su Bingtian has made group of current China track and field get military thing, although still lack a life that has weight more bright and beautiful surpass or Olympic Games gold, but as Asian for this has comparatived commendable, and track and field of scan widely China, current from famous degree for, also have only once Olympic Games He Shijin surpasses Liu Xiang of champion of 110 meters of column to be able to be before him, after all Liu Xiang ever with 12 seconds the achievement of 88 has broken the world record that holds 13 years, can say Liu Xiang is in China bound of track and field is famous spend first position almost unmanned shake!

Zhang Peimeng

Chinese track and field 5 names person: Liu Xiang, Su Bingtian presents as leading role, hall of Tsinghua teacher, celebrity female will go up a list of names posted up

Be in China, although 100 meters best achievement puts alive group,the tip still does not calculate inside limits, but the importance of 100 meters of big fight and appeal force and the great breakthrough that obtain in recent years or equipment of 100 meters of when allow these home flying people get attention. On August 12, 2013, in Muscovite track and field world bright and beautiful surpasses a man the Zhang Peimeng in 100 meters of semifinal ever ran the achievement innovation with 10 whole seconds gives new at that time whole nation record. On August 29, 2015, in Beijing track and field world bright and beautiful surpasses a man 4 × in 100 meters of final, zhang Peimeng and the Chinese team combination that not have snow, course of study thanking shake, Su Bingtian carry off with the achievement of 38.01 seconds silver medal created Asian history. Without doubt, the Zhang Peimeng that is Tsinghua college teacher now is 100 meters of 2 number people of Chinese that are next to Su Bingtian.

Wang Junxia

Chinese track and field 5 names person: Liu Xiang, Su Bingtian presents as leading role, hall of Tsinghua teacher, celebrity female will go up a list of names posted up

Mention Chinese track and field, a lot of people center the look to man domain, and a historical course famous general that comes from Chinese woman track team must be carried, she ever obtained the Wang Junxia of champion of world long-distance race for many times namely. She acquires the life of track and field 1993 on bright and beautiful contest 10000 meters of gold, of the same age broke the world record that the woman mixes 10000 meters 3000 meters on the national games, and the Wang Junxia on the Atlanta Olympic Games 1996 wins a woman 5000 meters of gold, become Chinese first place to obtain the athlete of gold of Olympic Games long-distance running, her at that time by common people praise for " Oriental god deer " . What be worth to be carried more is, on November 24, 2012 hall of celebrity of international cropland couplet ceremonially of hundred years celebration, wang Junxia is successful and selected hall of celebrity of international cropland couplet, she also is the track man with China and even Asian selected first place.

Zhu Jianhua

Chinese track and field 5 names person: Liu Xiang, Su Bingtian presents as leading role, hall of Tsinghua teacher, celebrity female will go up a list of names posted up

Mention track and field, a world-class famous general must be carried. Zhu Jianhua, male, was born in Shanghai 1963, athlete of Chinese famous high jump, preexistence bound record holder. Was in 1981 track and field inferior Asian record is broken with 2.3 meters achievement on bright and beautiful contest, . Arrived in June 1983 between June 1984, he ever broke record of world of man high jump 3 times continuously, raise its 2.39 meters by 2.35 meters, two years he still is obtained bronze medal of bright and beautiful contest mixed Helsinki age 1983 1984 bronze medal of los angeles Olympic Games. Without doubt, zhu Jianhua is a patriarch character of bound of Chinese track and field.

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