Beat easily of 3-0 of Chinese women's volleyball is Philippine, will contend for finals authority w

Beijing time on August 29, female parallelism of Jakarta Asia Game surpassed proceed 2018, chinese women's volleyball defeats Philippine team with 3-0, promotion 4 strong, will contend for finals to counterpoise with Japanese team, the score of 3 bureaus is: 25-15, 25-9, 25-7.

Beat easily of 3-0 of Chinese women's volleyball is Philippine, will contend for finals authority with Japan

Head bureau China group leaves bureau those who hit is suitable, precede very quickly with 8-2. Of Ni of after this colour serve to destroy the other side to be passed continuously, chinese team is successive block notchs, error of drop shot of the other side, chinese team pulls open score with 16-6. Liu Xiaotong has passed a net to be hit probe, subsequently drop shot outside, philippine chase after to 9-18. Zhu Ting is passed reach the designated position, take by storm of Liu dawn red hits the mark, chinese team 19-9. Chinese team was changed at 2 o'clock at 3 o'clock, yao Di and Li Yingying enter the court, yao Di serves notch, li Yingying 2 light condole notchs, 21-9. Zhu Ting is passed reach the designated position, liu Xiaotong 2 drop shot is barred, li Yingying assaults in, 22-12. Zhu Ting opens net putt to be barred, ball of mat of Yuan Xin crosses a net to be hit probe, subsequently before her fast hit the mark, 23-13. Error of drop shot of the other side, chinese team gets the better of one bureau first with 25-15.

Team of China of the 2nd bureau is in of Zhu Ting serve annulus notch continuously, bureau precede with 6-1, of Ni of after this colour serve annulus destroy the other side continuously pass, gong Xiang eaves and drop shot of take turns of Liu dawn red notch, chinese team pulls open score with 12-3. Back of Yuan Xin flies hit the mark, drop shot of the other side is successive error, chinese team precedes with 16-5. After of heart of after this Yuan blocks the other side, attack, liu Xiaotong serves notch, gong Xiang eaves and Zhu Ting strike back hit the mark, chinese team precedes with 21-5, get the better of one bureau again with 25-9.

Li Yingying of the 3rd bureau changes Zhu Ting to hold the post of main attack, hu Mingyuan changes Yan Ni. The convenient and easy to use that Chinese team still makes, precede with 10-2. Yao Di changes Ding Xia, gong Xiang eaves serves continuously, chinese team is attacked one after another notch, precede with 16-2. After this plum is filled with jade-like stone take by storm to hit the mark, chinese team precedes with 21-4, and with 25-7 get victory.

Gong Xiang eaves gets the whole audience 16 minutes highest, yuan Xin 15 minutes, liu Xiaotong 10 minutes. Sangdiyage gets each other 16 minutes.

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