Wet goes out row, the citizen does not take illicit outfit umbrella to provide please " rub " , th

Wet goes out row, the citizen does not take illicit outfit umbrella to provide please " rub " , the policeman is fathering check... ...

Today early in the morning

Small arrange the first issue that get up

It is to affirm below outside whether to have rain

Wet goes out row, the citizen does not take illicit outfit umbrella to provide please " rub " , the policeman is fathering check... ...

Bureau of the atmosphere that occupy town is forecasted, the near future, suffer monsoon low pressure to affect, the our city arrives since 28 days by the month 30 will have durative strong rainfall process, average rainfall can amount to the process 150-200 millimeter.

On August 29: Rainstorm, local big rainstorm, 25-28 ℃

On August 30: Rainstorm, 25-28 ℃

On August 31: Moderate rain is local heavy rain, turn showery, 25-30 ℃

Next wet how to do

Be the umbrella on the belt of course


Not all umbrella can be used

For instance this is planted

Wet goes out row, the citizen does not take illicit outfit umbrella to provide please " rub " , the policeman is fathering check... ...

Arrive next wet, the beat upon that driver of one part autocycle wants to hold off harships already does not want to get again of the raincoat manacle, they made fun of a dot " petty trick " , on autocycle privately is added held such component part.

Recently, branch of Shan head policeman is aimed at autocycle driver do sth without authorization to add outfit umbrella to provide on autocycle " resurgence " phenomenon, begin blow illicit to install sunshade traffic to violate act, eliminate safe hidden danger.

Wet goes out row, the citizen does not take illicit outfit umbrella to provide please " rub " , the policeman is fathering check... ...Wet goes out row, the citizen does not take illicit outfit umbrella to provide please " rub " , the policeman is fathering check... ...Wet goes out row, the citizen does not take illicit outfit umbrella to provide please " rub " , the policeman is fathering check... ...Wet goes out row, the citizen does not take illicit outfit umbrella to provide please " rub " , the policeman is fathering check... ...

Be aimed at the car that is hunted down, policeman branch gives to the driver lawfully punishment, demolish its compulsively to add the illegal unit of outfit at the same time.

Basis " Shan head securing rules of transportation of road of special economic zone " concerned regulation

Prohibit be being installed on motor vehicle (change) outfit, use the device such as the photoelectricity that exceeds a standard to perhaps affect traffic safety, motivation, acoustics. Of deregulation, be in 1000 yuan of amerce by management department of transportation of public security mechanism, detain car.

Autocycle illegal illicit mounts the safe hidden trouble that the umbrella has, not be to say just! Already had many bloody case in recent years.

Lessons drawn from others' mistakes

On July 18, 2016, city of river of cheap of Guangdong Zhan Jiang spreads a town how to produce bizarre traffic accident one case by the way, one by motorcycle the sunshade that the woman is broken off strikes throat, die on the spot.

Wet goes out row, the citizen does not take illicit outfit umbrella to provide please " rub " , the policeman is fathering check... ...

May 2015, 14 plain the man rides electric car to skid unfortunately when transport travelling tumble, the handle inserts the electric car sunshade of long 20cm directly abdomen, cause serious harm. Sunshade handle is crossed from chest directly, piercing stomach ministry, rib stamp was broken, cause milt rupture finally, the condition of an injury is extremely serious.

Wet goes out row, the citizen does not take illicit outfit umbrella to provide please " rub " , the policeman is fathering check... ...

Autocycle illegal illicit installs the harm that the umbrella provides


Add the partial line of sight that holds driver of sunshade keep out, it is not clear when turning to look inside rearview mirror the circumstance after the car.


Add outfit sunshade to bring about bodywork the area expands, increased to touch the occurence rate that brushs an accident. The eye of car umbrella edge and pedestrian wait almost tall, send a person very easily to disable.


Added outfit sunshade to change the structure with original autocycle, changed the wind block coefficient in travel, in block up of the sunshade in travel process the flow with normal air, easy cause car " wave to wave " , the driver often is balanced because of incontrollable drive a vehicle and produce an accident.


Added outfit sunshade to affect the motor-driven flexibility that car turns, go against the person that drive to avoid quickly danger. When producing traffic accident, restricted a driver to jump the space of car escape from a danger, increased casualties odds. After sunshade is maintained, the end end frame of umbrella is bulgy the share is primary as creditable as the person ministry keeps balance, and umbrella handle as it happens is in driver ahead, be just as an edge tool, once send unripe accident,stab a driver extremely easily.

Wet goes out row, the citizen does not take illicit outfit umbrella to provide please " rub " , the policeman is fathering check... ...

Policeman branch appeals

Broad drive the person should abide by relevant provision self-consciously, do not want do sth without authorization to install these to violate plan device, demolish as soon as possible add the sunshade of outfit, ensure a travel of oneself and other is safe.

When the citizen takes a car, also do not go to the lavatory for the graph and take the motorcycle that has sunshade, lest produce risk.

- END-

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