Why to work to hit poorer more! See Li Jiacheng how say

Li Jiacheng says: The poor bathes, wealthy person brainwashing! Niu Gengtian all one's life, doing not have a cropland is arrogant; Go to work work all one's life, doing not have a career is him. This society, assiduous double foot, cannot catch up with the cerebra of wisdom forever! The eye that wants to let oneself has height, the thought has depth, fortune has ply, hold to the career with ceaseless successful follow closely and environment please! Do pair of things to win one bureau, follow to win lifetime to the person! The age that a person reached to should succeed, had not succeeded, have a reason certainly! If continue to wait for,be in the environment in the past, with the idea in the past, practice, affirmation can get the result in the past only! Want a breakthrough, must change an environment, will change thought, action through the environment, ability gets different result! What is change environment? Be told simply even if change circle, with what differ, resultful person is together! alleged, things of one kind come together, person with group cent, want to have a result, must rely on resultful person closely 50 meters inWhy to work to hit poorer more! See Li Jiacheng how say?

Factitious what is poor? Because do not have the wisdom of wealthy person and courage and insight,be, factitious what is indecisive, because do not have boldness and decision-making power,be, because,factitious what does not believe is ideal ageing, thought sleep deeply, factitious what is content with the current situation, because do not have a dream,be, without the desire, why are some associate confused without direction? Because cannot be taken nearly, do not want to learn, do not want to let oneself promote, the person that why to want to let oneself increase knowledge< to have money thoroughly so is more and more wealthy? The car bought another, poor factitious what is poorer and poorer? Live short of money life, so tired that want dead, those who earn is so the hard cash with lamentable little, live frugaly. What is the poor short of: The surface lacks capital, be short of ambition constitutionally, brain lacks a sense, the opportunity lacks understanding. Frame lacks courage, the change lacks the operation, the career lacks willpower! How can Everyman just have money quickly? See Chinese head rich Li Jiacheng how sayWhy to work to hit poorer more! See Li Jiacheng how say?

1, common and factitious what did not find the company that allows you to make money truly without money, project, group, perhaps be called profitable machine, perhaps say you still do not have profiteering capacity? A lot of people do not have sufficient financing now, even if is to come up against a good company project, inestimable also can successful, dare not issue the determination that do or does not make, fear this worries about that. 2, do not have money how to do to promote you profitable capability, does this ability originate where? Squeeze into the circle of wealthy person, be bungled sell iron to also want to squeeze go in, not be to do not have money, also not be you do not try hard, it is you still do not have profiteering capacity, the business that you do at present cannot produce the biggest productivity. Not be in wealthy person circle, next you continue not to earn big money, next you continue to do not have money, ma Yun says: Feel confused and helpless right now in you probably. Future a darkness. Life does not have direction. The business is gloomy. Feel helpless. At the moment I appeared, come up against good project you continue to dare not make a decision, if things go on like this, those who await you a word is only poor. 3, how does ability have money be bungled quickly sell iron also should go and a successful company cooperates, use them to learn the skill that they make money, next you had profitable capacity, next you with respect to gain money, next you are rich, wealthy person continues the circle of person arteries and veins with more successful associate with, next you continue to make money, richer and richer. Go learning profitable ability, let you become a costly person to learn to them into the circle of successful person, learn the wisdom of the person that succeed, study the method of successful person, study others passes test and verify, the method of effective, only such, you just can turn round heaven and earth, the thing that so you should do most and ox force company, platform, systematic collaboration accomplishs him. Why to work to hit poorer more! See Li Jiacheng how say?

Li Jiacheng: Do not have a person to be able to give you the high position and great wealth directly, send you opportunity and platform only, whats are short of this times now, be short of resemble the eye like the eagle only, resemble the drive like the wolf, resemble the courage like bear, resemble the speed like leopard. Want you to say sincere letter only, understand be thankful, belong to you successfully certainly! Platform, business chance, good luck, hold the money that is your life. The opportunity never awaits the person that everything hesitates, wait-and-see person, laches person, soft weak, be the same as pace with the history only, with the times in all the person of the destiny, ability wins bright future, no matter you have many busy not important, you are again busy explain ability is important. Important option is more than your effort of 100 thousand times! The poor refuses in suspicion, wealthy person seeks testimony in suspicion. The market that was yesterday without giving thought to, today's market, return the market that will be tomorrow, wait-and-see person continue wait-and-see, the person that worry continues to worry, the person that fear continues to fear, the person that make money continues to make money, any current situations are in test our psychological quality, any markets also are to be in follow natural rule: Survival of the fittest, superior bad discard. Think 2 do 3 successes, first-class 2 look 3 come to nothing. Wanting is a problem, doing is the answer; Be defeated in hesitation, win in the action.

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