26 years old of men marry 61 years old of grandmother, differ 35 years old, reduce weight carrying a

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26 years old of men marry 61 years old of grandmother, differ 35 years old, reduce weight carrying a figure just is love a magic weapon

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See us next the goddess of this grandma class, it is too important to have good figure

The bridegroom that this bride of 61 years old married 26 years old. Can you go without good figure? I also had seen the picture of this grandmother. The figure applauds that, . Although it does not go up 16 years old the girl, but also have hip and waist, the figure is extremely important to a woman. If you want to marry, your body is certain very attractive! And provide eyeball extremely

26 years old of men marry 61 years old of grandmother, differ 35 years old, reduce weight carrying a figure just is love a magic weapon

I this year 61 years old, marry this year 26 years old of husband. This also is the catharsis of my soul. I dropped the woman's essential thing early, of one mind is thinking photograph husband godchild, always comfort oneself. The figure is no good faultily, even if my heart is very beautiful, very few somebody can pass thick adipose discovery the heart is beautiful

26 years old of men marry 61 years old of grandmother, differ 35 years old, reduce weight carrying a figure just is love a magic weapon

See the small pocket of 61 divide evenly of bearer home, lick oneself fatso subliminally, awkward person does not say to give a word to come. . . . . .

"I am the most beautiful bride on the world. " small waist of twist of Trieu Hoa Cuong and when bully gas announces to the world, besides praise besides, I convey the most deep-felt blessing even. You are a good woman, you also are the pride of our woman! Fall on his knees please! Goddess!

26 years old of men marry 61 years old of grandmother, differ 35 years old, reduce weight carrying a figure just is love a magic weapon

This bride of 61 years old and a bridegroom of 26 years old marry, showing the woman maintains is it is important to reach its. The feminine ability that has a small of the back has more, this is my viewpoint! The exterior can decide the destiny of a woman, so the course thinks over, also see us this 61 years old of pretty women once dietary food general.

This woman close dusk of 61 years old, can await the setting sun only erubescent. Is Trieu Hoa Cuong OK others? Let oneself shake however whole world, married younger than me male god of 35 years old.

Yield the love that person of this kind of hold up sees in light of us. Marry when 26 years old the capital with what kind of need? Dominant thought? Oh, this appears far insufficient! High price is worth? Look insufficient still! Number! Yes, this is a good figure! Quickly, start comes, reduce weight, begin from now. . . . . . Such, the heart that we dare to have 61 years old to mix 26 years old!

Goddess cookbook of 61 years old takes perfect shape, the woman no matter you are in any moment are not late, should act only all health and love the metropolis is melting.

The regular meeting when goddess uses motion and healthy diet to undertake maintaining

Look to basically make what motion from motion

Do thin leg side to extend constantly.

A, stand in the right of the wall, unbend double leg, from the wall a meter, centre of gravity moves right.

B, raise your left leg, put your left foot on the wall, the body that invites you a little towards the left is mobile, next the right leg unbend you.

Bend to towards the left of the upper part of the body from the waist, both hands holds left foot in arms, curve a neck at the same time, raise an eye, maintain a pose half minutes, return the ground, change a leg, repeat.

4. Take off.

26 years old of men marry 61 years old of grandmother, differ 35 years old, reduce weight carrying a figure just is love a magic weapon

Double palm, removed double shoulder breadth;

B. Elbow of Bend double arm. Antebrachium is perpendicular at the ground. The upper part of the body tilts ahead, move downward continuously. When the head nears the area, the arm stands by the upper part of the body to apply thrust augmentation.

In the process that prop up, two legs leave the area. Right now, left ancon stands by left abdomen, left knee is located in right ancon, left foot points to upper part.

Will right leg up unbend, tiptoe up, breathe smoothly, hold 10-15 second.

Do the soft toughness that can hold the body for a long time

See what eat constantly maintain the cate cookbook of the figure again

26 years old of men marry 61 years old of grandmother, differ 35 years old, reduce weight carrying a figure just is love a magic weapon


An egg (boil or decoct) OK, next a cup of defatted milk, add a fist to answer season is vegetable, with the staple food of half fist, oaten OK. Remember must eating the new ability that feed capable person to make sure nutrition is enough, prop good body.

Lunch: Protein flesh kind with respect to a fist, the size of one individual fist is exemple, vegetable also is a fist, staple food is OK supplement coarse food grain and rice are controlled one bowl.

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