Chemical fertilizer makes a holiday so actually! Autumn buys manure, you should be careful ~

Now, have some of illegal fertilizer firm, do the thing of some of sham others brand technically! The brand that they are making others sells fake fertilizer, earn black heart money greatly, hole farming is killed farming!

But they shift the misfortune onto others, let bad reputation others is being carried, the mean thing that these illegal manufacturers do, was to kill farmer friend not only, still damaged the legitimate rights and interests that produces manufacturer normally! Want to say their action, but really enough abominable. This not, how did Heibei province make the same score a county to investigate chemical fertilizer one case sham incident!

Chemical fertilizer makes a holiday so actually! Autumn buys manure, you should be careful ~

This is brazenly is sham! Pack repeatedly different, but name brand actually of pilfer others!

Chemical fertilizer makes a holiday so actually! Autumn buys manure, you should be careful ~

The phone of family manufacturer is such!

Chemical fertilizer makes a holiday so actually! Autumn buys manure, you should be careful ~

These illegal manufacturers, yourself makes money, let a family give you to be made a scapegoat however, why are you borne at the heart? Farmer friend, these sham fertilizer, not be what good thing for certain, must not buy! !

Buy manure, be not packed cheated!

Cent of element of the nutrition in fertilizer is 3 kinds:

1, a large number of elements (main nutrient) : Point to nitrogen, phosphor, Potassium only.

2, in quantity element (secondary nutrient) : Of calcic to the element, magnesian, sulfur appellative.

3, microelement (micro-nutrient) : Copper, iron, manganese, zinc, boracic, molybdenum.

Concerned nutrition composition is tagged non-standardly, basically behave a form to have:

1, in inorganic fertilizer, will many element and in microelement content addition, call total nutrient;

2, in organic fertilizer or it is organic - inorganic answer mixes fertilizer in, will many element and organic the corporeal content addition such as acid of qualitative, detritus calls total nutrient;

3, be in in in measuring elemental fertilizer, will medium quantity element and microelement content addition call total nutrient to wait.

GB18382 - 2001 " fertilizer label content and requirement " set " total nutrient: Total nitrogen, effective 5 oxidation 2 phosphor and the sum of oxidation Potassium content.

Compound fertilizer: Do not get will other element or compound plan into total nutrient.

Elemental fertilizer measures in: Must not microelement content and in quantity element addition " .

To the total nutrient that forms by total nitrogen, effective P2O5 and K2O only, if carry secretly organic acid of qualitative, detritus reachs medium, microelement or be other accretion qualitative " amalgamative aid blast " , nutrient composition even if " plump " , farmer harvest is sure " bone feels " .

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