Greet superintend and director to guide middle school of the county austral Heilongjiang pleasant is

Prospective net (in the center of news website) Beijing on August 30 report (reporter Li Ying is filled with) " the experiment reports book had not written, the software in the lab also is not handled, the use trace of experimental equipment still is done not have (bogus) build. . . . . . " Heilongjiang province breaths out Er city Gan Na county together together to be about to greet obligation to teach prefectural region balanced development is checked and accept, then, to handle each material that checks and accept a need, teachers directly " grow " in entering the mire that builds a watch to make a holiday.

"Check and accept a lot of thing of the requirement, our school is done not have, it is to make a holiday completely! " explode makings person says, "As a result of too much should some thing schools are done not have however, for instance equipment of all sorts of watches, books, test is waited a moment, the school can be bought temporarily only, deceive pass a barrier. Deceive pass a barrier..

The experimental class that had not attended is built give a record 3 years to forge experimental equipment to use a mark

Prospective network reporter is received explode makings, "The school does not allow to put summer vacation, compel all teachers to work overtime to the school, spoken parts in an opera, make a holiday namely actually " .

Even still the teacher that changing cure period in cancer also is asked to go to work to the school during summer vacation, because the school says " without exception, this is political task " .

The reporter understands, the county austral pleasant is about to greet prefectural region is taught to the superintend and director of balanced development guides and be evaluated about obligation with the country in the county, province.

According to education of obligation of region of county of Ministry of Education balanced development superintend and director guides evaluate a system, the key evaluates prefectural class government the circumstance of natural resources of balanced configuration education.

Evaluate index to include be born all education and the auxiliary area that use a room, unripe all area of athletic sports place, unripe all every 100 worth of education instrument equipment, students own computer station number, unripe all comparing of books book number, teachers and students, unripe all number of teacher of record of formal schooling of prep above regulation, unripe all.

Still ask obligation teachs funds to be listed in the sheet in finance budget among them, nearly 3 years educational funds is accomplished " 3 growth " ; course teacher is deployed reasonable, unripe division opens Qikai full course to wait than amounting to mark; to set according to the country.

To receive these assessment, certain school made motion.

Disclose according to insider, the experimental subject of a lot of middle schools austral pleasant is done not have almost had gone up, even the middle school of the county presses a root to do not have experimental equipment, what is more,the rather that rural school. The place that school teacher has applied for to buy an experiment to ranking leader needs data, but because shop,need capital, leader all the time be indifferent to sth.

Now, want to receive an examination to check and accept immediately, the school buys the equipment such as experimental equipment temporarily, command teacher " make a test report book, the mark that makes experimental equipment had been used even " . Short-term inside hurried preparation material and all sorts of forms for reporting statistics, some teachers show skill of lack of him spare time from one's main work to attend to sth else.

The reporter sees from chatting record, a teacher complains " the experiment reports book one has not been written, the software in the lab also is not handled, the use trace of experimental equipment has not been built, the person in the group was gone by tone however! Vivid who will work? Vivid who will work??

Explode makings person, receive not only acceptable experimental equipment is bought now, joining a lab also is temporarily, the teacher should make a list not only, the paint of the on-line that play a base that builds new clothes even is handled, install curtain rod of window to wait.

The school appeals without reading room president the teacher contributes a book to build make use of to review a record

Insider Yuan rich tells a reporter, the school presses a root to do not have a reading room, book having a place also is the books written in ancient times a lot of years ago, became moldy, on the school 1000 students go to school in this school 3 years, did not borrow had read a book.

But, to deal with this examination to check and accept, the president arouses all teachers contribute a book to make up the number or the amount. The president says, "Superior has a demand " , the book that takes some of encourage annals book, college, book of pedagogic reference book and business side makes up the number or the amount.

The personnel that the president seeks a reading room even does books to borrow review a record, "Each two pieces of paper, 100 person-time. " give out detailed books borrows those who read a list to fill in specification, namely " every groups do 6 pages to borrow review a record. " and listed every groups borrow read time, the earliest come from September 2015 Feburary 2016, continue to August 2018 all the time.

This president still indicates a staff member to notice to deduct double cease day, cold summer vacation can borrow a book more, and remand date wants reasonable. "Amount " if one column is akin the capacity of the book is much, can write the name of classmaster.

Is pedagogic number insufficient? Take sb's place with casual in register

Prefectural region obligation teachs balanced development superintend and director to guide the requirement is made clear in evaluating a condition, teacher of discipline of compulsory education school is deployed reasonable, unripe division decides staff level; than achieving a province and the program of compulsory education courses that sets according to the country leaves Qi Kaizu course.

Whether does the county austral pleasant fly the course that sets together?

According to the county austral pleasant the teacher Zhang Lei of some middle school introduces, "Our school flew exam course only, as long as it is medium take an examination of what do not take an examination of, uniform do not leave, a lot of course that in evaluating, set did not leave. The country emphasizes teaching balanced evolution all the time, go down according to this development, how balanced, particularly little to educational investment, this is inequitable to Gan Na's child! This is inequitable to Gan Na's child!!

Zhang Lei expresses, begin school of their school lab leads inadequacy 3 into, one semester becomes physics and biology subject 9 times the experiment calculates much. Ministry of Education asks class of opened music, art also leaves scarcely, some just develops an activity symbolisticly.

The balanced development that the reporter allots in bureau of education of the county austral afore-mentioned pleasant involves human affairs relevant data asks to be pleasant to the eye, the material middle finger that in Gan Na some middle school allots goes out, "The strength that the register of all teachers should reflect sound, body, beautiful, IT and integrated practice teacher and publish number to agree. If publish number to be less than actual number, cause teachers and students to compare short of level, with the number of casual filling inadequacy. With the number of casual filling inadequacy..

"This is pair of education is not responsible, be people of pair of the county austral pleasant and collectivity student more is not responsible! " Yuan Bo says. "If this the examination was passed, later more do not throw (education) , (The school) this course more did not leave, the education of entire county developed harder. The education of entire county developed harder..

To letting pedagogic sacrifice summer vacation " make a holiday " , deal with check to examine the behaviour that control, prospective network reporter calls Heilongjiang to breath out the county austral Er city pleasant together together to teach bureau office, the person that pick up the telephone professes is entrance guard.

The reporter asks, "Teach balanced development examination to meet obligation, doesn't the teacher of elementary school of the county austral pleasant and junior high school have a holiday? " does the other side answer: ? The Qia that hold the first month high just! The other side of? of Lv of neon of small cup of Qi of times miscellaneous Zi also admits, however with oneself it is entrance guard for, do not wish to say more.

The reporter dialed the county austral pleasant to teach the phone of bureau director Liu Defeng again, after be informed reporter identity, immediately hang up. When be being dialed again, unmanned all the time receive listen. The reporter enquires with short message form whether the school is put when building a holiday to check and accept be related subsequently. End the reporter distributes news dispatches, liu Defeng did not offer a return. (The person that merit is visited asks, yuan Bo, Zhang Lei is alias. Yuan Bo, Zhang Lei is alias..

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