Build the platoon that monitor to check a mechanism, token issues financing to bring into platform o

Build the platoon that monitor to check a mechanism, token issues financing to bring into platform of each other gold to inform against limits

On August 30 message, a few days ago, chinese Internet finance informed against information platform to be added newly " token issues financing " inform against content, be engaged in message medium, fictitious money trading, the relevant business such as settle accounts of buying and selling, accept insurance, liquidation all is in inform against limits inside.

Whole inform against content in all 9 big, include equity numerous plan financing, network leasehold, Internet pays, sale of fund of Internet insurance, Internet, cross a boundary kind, Internet consumption finance, Internet is fiducial and cash shifts business.

Add newly " token issues financing " inform against specific include: 1. Buying and selling or regard central adversary as token of square buying and selling or fictitious money;2. Offer the service;3 such as medium of price, message for token or fictitious money. Pursue legal money and token, fictitious money clearly mutual the changing between business;4. The insurance business related accept insurance and token and fictitious money or bring into token and fictitious money;5 of insurance extent of liability. Direct or issue financing and fictitious money to offer account to open for token secondhand, register, trade, the product such as liquidation, settle accounts or service;6. Other what the name of use money begins is illegal reach financial activity.

And the near future, in answer to superintendency layer policy, tecent company and pay treasure two pay a tycoon to all also express greatly, will be in pay channel respect intercept fictitious money trade, blow money encircles random elephant.

Tecent respect expresses external, partial public date is suspected of releasing ICO and fictitious money to trade hype information, disobey " development of service of news of public of instant communication tool administers provisional regulation " , already was instructed screen is all content, zhang date by permanent stop. The respect in A expresses, the business that trades fictitious to involving money door, give determined Qing Dynasty retreats; to be suspected of the individual account that fictitious currency trades, the ground the clue takes function of limitative account gathering stoutly the processing measure such as gathering of permanent even limitation.

Additional, the name is " digital money " , " fictitious money " Baidu is stuck also had been sealed, enter corresponding name to stick when can show " feel sorry, according to relevant law laws and regulations and policy, this of short duration is not opened " . Association of gold of Chinese each other also expresses before this, should from pay settle accounts to carry proceed with to be strengthened continuously clear consolidate strength. Can say, be engaged in any activities that concern with token all be being belonged to now violate compasses.

Blame of place of the silver-colored meeting that keep watch does China to express external, a few illegal elements are being hit finance innovates and the banner such as area piece catenary, undertake absorption fund through distributing so called fictitious money, fictitious capital fund, enroach on public closes right increase. This kind of activity is not be based on technology of area piece catenary, acclaim concept of area piece catenary to collect money illegally all right however, bilk, send sold seed.

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