Spit small drip-drop answers tick

Di tick Da, di tick Da...

Listen! Drop of spit of the spit outside the window distills, not urgent not impetuous, beating one grass one wood, one brick covers with tiles, how wonderful sound!

Should easy and comfortable people embrace quilt to fall asleep? Bleak and chilly but not doleful Qiu Yu fall asleep? Should rampant by day dust return went? The ostentatious phoenix tree side the street are this quiet?

Spit small drip-drop answers tick

Spit spit drop distills, splash below gloomy eave full spray, the bird that love flies to hides, laborious ant also had moved the home, you, you? Adrift person find a home to return to?

Spit spit drop distills, umbrella umbrella be maintained, a fine day is opened in boundless and indistinct moisture! Corner was in dim street lamp not to shine suddenly, the driver pains ground that returns late is pressing small horn. Return, return, raining day returns.

Spit spit drop distills, remember spew dustily and send. Those happy lives, be gone forever? Those angel ah, where are you? Whether be still same a blue the world? Did you hear the pitter-patter of tick tick? In a certain hour, had you remembered me?

Spit spit drop distills, such day suits to be in alone brood. Boil a cup of coffee, bubble a cup of green tea, manage sleeve, qing Yiqing cheek. Let feeling put next empty, also be posse random hemp anyway, rise seriously, also be to trot along on horseback nevertheless view is beautiful.

Spit spit drop distills, swept bilge, break up quicksand, rushed blatant, strong fell flourishing. Strong, strong, anyway this the dazzling human world with its myriad temptations won't collapse temporarily, even if 10 thousand fasten 1000 difference, channel gully big pool makes the same score the world.

Spit spit drop distills, still did not stop. Earth longing is moist, the heart needs to sweep asperse. A short distance away, generation is flourishing, had not touched one ground to fall flower. Below fall, maintain a beautiful umbrella to set out afresh, dreamy terminus always can be arrived at.

Spit spit drop distills.

Di tick Da, di tick Da...

Spit small drip-drop answers tick

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