Of scallop contend for 35 France fisher to besiege 5 England fisher

Of scallop contend for 35 France fisher to besiege 5 England fisher

Local time on August 28, because flower law fisherman catchs scallop conflicts in high seas happening, quarrel of both sides happening fires illume rocket even.

Of scallop contend for 35 France fisher to besiege 5 England fisher

On August 29, county of British heart article, the British fisher that makes a surprise attack by French fisher.

Because flower law fisherman scoops up the conflict since scallop, two countries fisher collides each other, flower fisher escapes; Bilateral and mutual shout curses, each other casts block fires an illume rocket

England, France and European alliance appeal 29 days respectively, flower law fisherman this week is some earlier moment is appeased as soon as possible because of salvaging the maritime conflict of scallop happening. According to BBC and associated press report, 27 come 28 days day and night morning, the high seas water area in the bay inside French north a place of strategic importance surrounds 35 France fisher the British fisher with a 5 body larger amount, protest the other side " plunder " scallop. Both sides erupts conflict, be Ied hope nobody get hurt.

The video that films according to the description of fisherman of thing of flower law experience and French media, bilateral and mutual shout curses, each other casts staple of block, metal, fire an illume rocket. The glass on two England fisher is bungled to rot, on fire of an England fisher. Two countries fisher still collides each other, send British fisher finally to escape the spot.

Lan Kadeer tells the piscatorial summer of county of Er of British Kang Wo Reuter reporter, "They appear suddenly come, surround our fleet, still toss combustion bottle " . His boat encounters fisher of about 15 France is atttacked.

European Union of the conflict since flower law comes hurried and

Flower, tripartite of law, Europe phonates respectively to appease disturbance 29 days.

Ge Fu of · of Er of Michael of British environment minister says, the government just is exchanging views with the law, ensure conflict is not recurrent; British fisherman " absolutely authority works in those water area " . France is maritime Yinggelide Paluo says sectional official, "We are clear hope circumstances calm " ; If be necessary, the clique more France will patrol henceforth water area of boat superintend accident. Daniel of spokesman of European Union commission Luosaliao says · , european Union " invite each country authorities to use similar before affable means dissolves conflict " .

According to European Union law, salvage scallop to belong to each member country government administer limits. French government came every year to will be set on October 1 on May 15 for scallop closed season, but British government allows fisher to work all the year round. In the bay inside a place of strategic importance that teems with scallop, british fisher can be in be apart from French coasting the high seas beyond 12 sea mile works.

Flower law fisherman ever erupted 5 years ago similar conflict, later both sides salvages authority negotiation every year with respect to scallop. To win a way square exercise is permitted, flower just agree with limitation to salvage scallop amount and the fisher system capacity that enter this one water area.

Conflict shows England " take off Europe " element

According to the view of Afp, this second France fisherman abrupt rise in revolt, because maintain the scallop of the bay inside a place of strategic importance of menace of British fisherman exercise to plant,be group of amounts, hope flower just follows the regulation that ban fishing likewise.

The England that many media notice conflict is medium " take off Europe " element.

Dimiteli Luogefu says chief of organization of French Normandy fishery: "Go two years, we feel British associate wants to negotiate not quite, because prepare to break away from an European Union,the likelihood is. " collect dagger husband tells France " the world signs up for " daily, once " take off Europe " , england is regarded as namely " tripartite country " , "Cannot reentrance these (fishery) area " .

France " new plant " weekly notices, partial France fisherman worries about England " take off Europe " hind adopt more independent fishery policy, "Especially ship of associated European Union is entered flower square water area " .

BBC analysis, have hope of fisherman of a few France truly, england " take off Europe " hind abandon an European Union " collective fishery policy " , british fisherman enjoys the right that works in the bay inside a place of strategic importance no longer. Just, in view of England and European Union " take off Europe " hind piscatorial limitation still did not come to an agreement, the right that French fisherman works in British water area remains to consult likewise, "The thing is not so simple " .

According to Xinhua News Agency

This edition picture / visual China

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