Outside intermediary: A Sade's real crime is not what he did, however what did he represent

Outside intermediary: A Sade's real crime is not what he did, however what did he represent

Compile: Wang Dehua

7 many years blood stream becomes add of Syrian battle refuse to give in river, arrived again now new historical turning point. US-led western force preparation launchs air attack to Syria again. In the meantime, western media cooperates this war risk, having a false campaign, try to use depict Asade into with caricature colour " Tartarean force " .

" now Russia " print article says, in the person eye of Er of bespatter Ba Sha, a Sade's real crime is not what he did, however what did he represent. He is in what what represent since 2011 in the brutal conflict in Syrian indulge in wilful persecution, it is to be opposite to be mixed by imperialism of colonialism " might namely axiom " the contempt of the world that props up.

Translation is as follows:

Western egghead people think, syrian conflict is around wear what the position of A Sade of Ba Sha Er spreads out. It is not. More important is, they know the fact is not such.

Nevertheless, when speaking of Syrian president, we are indispensable the legacy that this leader leaves, he is opposite none hesitantly his partial people started a war, these people fight his government in uprise, caused the compassion of outside force and support. We also cannot avoid a such facts, namely he is mocked to be oppressor and dictator widely accordingly, distain and be despised in oneself national inside and outside.

Although doesn't the history admit to be opposite today Abraham? This kind of description of Lincoln, but it is true by chance. In home, lincoln is depicted by his enemy an an eccentric person, be in abroad, he is hated, the British establishment that is dominated by Si Lafu of south of United States of a support especially is hated.

Outside intermediary: A Sade's real crime is not what he did, however what did he represent

Today, lincoln is considered as the greatest president on American history, and reason is sufficient. However, the astringent test that this can not be our absolve to undertake serious analysis to his bequest. Because do not have cacique, it is great natively or always be great. Contrary, their great the child that is the choice that they make in the moment of truth, they are in charge of change or the rate that affect historical course, when the bequest that so that become,involves them, all foregoing fault are colorred or desalt.

For example, abe? Lincoln (Abe Lincoln) , when suppressing southern confederacy, be indispensable undoubtedly, but he also is leader Yilinuosi city commando attends black 1832 eagle repeatedly Indian war (the youth of Black Hawk Indian War) .

Same, does with be being considered as the British premier with the greatest throughout history Wen Si pause? Qiu Jier is exemple. Although Qiu Jier led England to resisted indispensable part is acted when warlike machine of Xitele 1940, england is almost isolated at that time without aid, but he also is evil imperialist and colonialism at the same time person, he approved pair of Russia Bolsheviks to use poisonous gas 1919, be opposite in Iraqi north again after a few years person of library Er heart uses poisonous gas.

Mix like Lincoln Qiu Jier is same, place calls somewhat " great person " be accomplished with theirs and famed, they it is cost in order to sacrifice to the proper condemnation of own crime. This is why the history and conduct propaganda are same normally a two sides of coin, for lack of is there Oscar? Of Wang Erde sagacious. He says, "Every sage has the past, every malefactor has prospective " .

The key of the problem depends on, those understand us seriously the person that this times Syria conflicts, accountability boycott Ba Sha Er? Exasperate body of evil of melt into of A Sade demon or the behavior that adore him to be modern wise man. These two kinds of descriptions Yu Man draws root, it is for promiscuous and not be to make it clear that he is in this part in 7 years of brutal conflict.

Focusing is in at Asade the part in conflict -- although his government is likely,the conditional respect that helping creation cause conflict produced effect, don't have possibly also -- can you refute: of such a fact without the person? ?015 of  of prize of Quan  emperor year the Russia end September decides to stay in Syria before interpose Syria, sa Lafei - the black banner of holy war doctrine can rise in Damascus. Same, do not have a person to be able to refute a such facts, if produce this,plant namely circumstance, to this country the consequence of minority community will be extremely terrible, prep let alone believes each times and hold to this country lay, multivariate culture and the Syrian that are not sectarian identity.

In fact, for defend this is planted lay, multivariate the with blame faction identity of culture, is not A Sade of pair of Ba Sha Er guard, countless by tens of thousands the Syrian has gotten ready, be opposite 7 years with the past vicious power of their unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease continue to fight.

Outside intermediary: A Sade's real crime is not what he did, however what did he represent

Western country had a false campaign, try to use depict Asade with caricature colour " Tartarean force " . This is a thing that can never forget. What a such motion confirmed western hegemony is brutish feral still, it is to regnant desire cannot satisfy -- although had had the ocean of blood, but its apiration cannot be underestimated however.

By the way, the ocean of this blood, the blood that includes those citizens that represent western leader -- their crime always was affixed democratic exempt -- the action that is holding to them. A chain of horror that erupts in whole west world makes a surprise attack, in Iraq, Libyan He Xuli inferior caused slaughter so much, be by likewise screwy ideological drive.

Return Asade, although all looking of his decision in Syria failed, his decision also will be regarded as those who want to weigh momently. This is to be on Syrian history not only, still have the history of this area. Because, before Russia joined conflict in September 2015, below the support of the west and the ally that its are in this area, syrian army can bear to be sent by Sa Lafei (the revolting excessive pressure of dominant of element of Salafi) emperor battle, its foreground is really special and bleak.

The fact is, overturn through economic punish, block, politics and / or the country that the military affairs is surrounded and is in western hegemony center and nation, inevitable meeting discovers its development gets the influence of all sorts of means and degree.

Accordingly, feideer? Kasiteluo (is Fidel Castro) the most correct is saying or state with certainty: ? Ang cruel steals harmonious  to divide hesitating to return  to grab every of  of happy Bi Mu of ∶ of  of @ of two of  of  ∶ happy Bi Mu to return  eggplant to invade Qu ⒎ to invade  of K of two of  of harmonious of  of moss Tuo discharge to surname  of Mi Mu of Wu ┟ Da to punish  border! ?

In the person eye of Er of bespatter Ba Sha, a Sade's real crime is not what he did, however what did he represent. He is in what what represent since 2011 in the brutal conflict in Syrian indulge in wilful persecution, it is to be opposite to be mixed by imperialism of colonialism " might namely axiom " the contempt of the world that props up.

2018, syrian civilian the right that him decision did not come to is exchanged with blood. Whether does future include Ba Sha Er? A Sade (the thing that Bashar Assad) holds the position of a president also is them. Anyhow, what any opinion on public affairs that turn over Asade cannot deny is, if do not have his leader, syria did not come now but character.

Those people that understand this are not creed of A Sa heart person, they are realists only.

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