The feline be bored with on chemical fertilizer bag, do not know with respect to you, look to be abl

The feline be bored with on chemical fertilizer bag, do not know with respect to you, look to be able to defend good money bag

The instantly with can superfluous, intense competition is produced in fertilizer industry, a few enterprises begin to pay attention to the benefit that product outer packing brings, from black and white to black, take the place of to produce figure and star from simple character character, the chemical fertilizer on the market is packed let a hundred flowers blossom, glow. However, also there is no lack of manufacturer begs sudden huge profits of different, seek newly to chase after, cause the label that pack lack fidelity with not up to specification. Some enterprises include the product name that mount place makes in the product, the scope that deviate fertilizer defines basically, make the feeling after consumer looked indescribable.

The feline be bored with on chemical fertilizer bag, do not know with respect to you, look to be able to defend good money bag

Legerdemain one: Acclaim new idea.

If be packed in fertilizer,magnetism of entrance accept rice indicates on bag the professional name such as element of agent, activation, light energy element, make a farmer dazzling. Still have illegal company two year production is same a product, ceaseless however commutation produces manufacturer name and address, so that avoid consumer doubt, also let execute the law the branch cannot find responsibility person.

Legerdemain 2: Action of aleatoric and exaggerated product.

A few illegal manufacturer capture this one flaw, it is above the bag that pack coronal in order to cheat sexual name, wait like complete element, muti_function, complete nutrition, makings of one seed manure became cure-all miraculous cure. Still have of all kinds and special fertilizer, actual recipe was not done adjust too much, but in the bag mount imprints have " banana is special " " the apple is special " wait for model of written characters, the price is about to break up a few times.

The feline be bored with on chemical fertilizer bag, do not know with respect to you, look to be able to defend good money bag

Legerdemain 3: Trade name of concoct chemical fertilizer says, promiscuous concept.

Compound fertilizer is in 3 yuan of compound fertilizer and n duality to have very big difference essentially, a few manufacturer pretend to be 3 yuan of fertilizer with binary fertilizer however. If some of n duality answer mixes fertilizer,in the bag mount indicates " nitrogen: 15, phosphor: 15, manganese of cupreous zinc iron: 15, or N-PK-Cl15-15-15 " , give a person 3 yuan of fat senses, still the enterprise makes a phosphoric acid the product name such as 3 ammonium, 3 ammonium, it is 3 yuan of compound fertilizer actually.

Legerdemain 4: Hit " authoritative orgnaization " the cover of attestation

A few manufacturer are tagged in mount of package of a few inferior products " the country recommends a product some " " such-and-such qualitative check place approves a product " etc. Have more very person, a few small companies and collaboration of local agriculture department nod manufacturing recipe fertilizer surely, in the bag mount nots comply to mark according to the requirement, do not indicate even composition even, tag only " the orgnaization is recommended use " .

The feline be bored with on chemical fertilizer bag, do not know with respect to you, look to be able to defend good money bag

Legerdemain 5: Content of sedulous and exaggerated total nutrient

A few manufacturer are in answer mix fertilizer or mount of urea commodity bag, calcium of second quantity element, will magnesian, sulfur or organic wait for composition to violate character compasses join fertilizer total nutrient content is metric in. Compound fertilizer GB makes clear a regulation already, total nutrient points to total nitrogen, phosphor, Potassium the sum of content of 3 kinds of many elements, and some of enterprise waits for composition content and NPK with medium, microelement and organic Potassium 3 element amalgamative computation, product content false elevation.

Legerdemain 6: "Foreign word is piled up " flicker farmer

A few manufacturer package the product hit " foreign name " pretend to be entrance product. Include: ? ∠ of Ling of Hao of paralysis of bite of  of joke of 7 land  spills  hey Ji of awake of  of hall of  of  of steamed bun of  of mildew of exhausted bad bad sunlights? of  of Zhan Qiang of Ren of punish of Xi of Bin of Qu of Yi of ⒉ of fine and soft of the first month of take along sth to sb of hesitating of caries of barium of ぁ of Shao of sulphone of attentively of ⅰ Ao  next with; Product of technology of false mark abroad, pretend to import raw material; The phenomenon such as sham famous brand. (civil / rural people pursues / the network is integrated)

The feline be bored with on chemical fertilizer bag, do not know with respect to you, look to be able to defend good money bag

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