The design encircling a circle of invitation letter of malic news briefing shined! Electromagnetism

Annual September is to taste a mobile phone newly to gather together issuance time place, among them most the new IPhone that those who get global attention is an apple. The apple is held in this time tasting a news briefing newly had been a convention, this not the apple already announced, will on September 12 in the morning at 10 o'clock, 13 days of before dawn held Beijing time to taste a news briefing newly at 1 o'clock.

The design encircling a circle of invitation letter of malic news briefing shined! Electromagnetism furnace is become the biggest win the home

According to current message, the apple will release 3 new IPhone this year, and what machine of these 3 novices also has been gathered up is about the same, include the exterior, configuration and price. So, this malic missive invitation letter did not cause too high heat to discuss, be the exterior is played bad instead.

The design encircling a circle of invitation letter of malic news briefing shined! Electromagnetism furnace is become the biggest win the home

As a result of the apple this invitation letter uses black background an intermediate circle, integral design resembles extremely electromagnetism furnace, attracted many netizens so speak. Considering the apple new IPhone is spent in global attention very tall, this so electromagnetism furnace was become however the biggest win the home, the loiter of free passivity a heat.

The design encircling a circle of invitation letter of malic news briefing shined! Electromagnetism furnace is become the biggest win the home

Finally: The design that malic invitation letter resembles electromagnetism furnace is a kind of coincidence only, more do not calculate on what borroweds. Everybody knows malic headquarters is rotunda, and the news briefing last year is the headquarters in oneself, drew a circle simply this to represent headquarters so just, need not unscramble too much.

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