To leave Singapore by hook and crook, holiday marriage

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To leave Singapore by hook and crook, holiday marriage

(Picture From Zaobao)

Accompany read mom to be pointed to false marriage, she is carried live apartment, rent group house to be raised " false husband " , give gold of 500 yuan of bribe every months, in the center 300 yuan use pad his accumulation fund. This is accompanied reading mom is housewife Liu Meiyi of 50 years old, study to Singapore according to saying to taking a son 2007, the son graduated 2013 a work, she is shown with 53 years old of day labour in of the same age Wu Degui holiday will marry in October, demand the other side sponsors her to apply for seek by inquiry to allow evidence. Two people are suspected of offending emigrant law is accused, but they do not admit their guilt, spread out 12 days to interrogate counterplea.

To leave Singapore by hook and crook, holiday marriage

The basis accuses Chen Ci of honest end a case, they introduced through collective friend 2013 and hind of become attached to marries, the woman is shown to apply for seek by inquiry accurate card continues to stay in Singapore, and marry with man holiday. "They registered marriage on October 14, 2013, the woman is pointed to begin every month to give from November " husband " gold of 500 yuan of bribe, 200 yuan are cash, additionally 300 yuan use pad his accumulation fund. Additionally 300 yuan use pad his accumulation fund..

To leave Singapore by hook and crook, holiday marriage

The have not after their marriage makes love, the woman continues to hire apartment to live together with the son, the man lives in house of the group that rent together with the roommate, but he sponsorred her 3 times to apply for to allow card to lengthen 2015 linger period, she filled in his address, will come on October 5 in of the same age till immigrant and toll-gate bureau personnel assault examination, just discover she is not in the home, the man also does not say to give her whereabouts. Female the accused says from time to time is met " husband " live in, but roommate of the other side is negative this, say to go one year have not has seen her. Two people are convictioned via the trial, yesterday midday (on August 30) each are sentenced inspect 8 months, but they plan to appeal.

Composing: Newspaper office alley

Picture: Motion picture

Article: Cable industry accuses

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