Advanced black Hei Fei and Mo Cui...

Advanced black Hei Fei and Mo Cui...

Cyanine of bare orange olivine is violet, emerald color is all-embracing, whether have black so? The answer is affirmative! The color of black halcyon is pure black, do not be equal at the Mo Cui that often says,

No matter this kind of black is to be below natural light, still fall in the illuminate of strong light, color is black. Especially for better to a few head black halcyon,

Below the illuminate of strong light, it is thus clear that this kind of black color still contains purple tonal. Although a lot of books also have more when the color that speaks of halcyon,mention, but the person that pure Hei Feicui has seen truly inside travel is not much.

Advanced black Hei Fei and Mo Cui...

"Hei Feicui " common says " black chicken is planted " halcyon, it is halcyon besides main and mineral, besides jadeite, still contain other a few tiny fine point state dark look is mineral. When dark look nods a large number of content is mineral occurrence, will produce apparent absorption to the light, halcyon shows for black;

When black material only a few, local when appearing, also be one part only to radial absorption, color expression of halcyon is hoar or grey black, what say namely " popular grey ground " halcyon.

No matter Hei Feicui all presents the black, grey black with a different depth to move below reflex or transmission light, dark look delivers quality mineral and general present conglomeration state, the characteristic such as record of drop of shape of banding, cloud and mist, star.

Advanced black Hei Fei and Mo Cui...

The black in the halcyon that we often say orders state " fly excrement " , because dark look is mineral,be of thimbleful show fragmentary drop record to appear, "Fly excrement " the flaw that is halcyon.

Additional, the Hei Feicui that has planted can achieve ice to plant, the common inside course of study says " chicken glacial black " , " glacial Chinese ink " , diaphaneity is better, best is to achieve " ice is planted wave black flower " , but, hei Feicui's color diffuses the effect is not very good however,

Can appear curt, formalist, won't plant like other facial expression the halcyon with good water appears fresh in that way; The Hei Feicui of differentia, its black is distributed inhomogenous, the flyspeck of local and visible white piece or filament.

Advanced black Hei Fei and Mo Cui...

Put kind of Hei Fei on the ice to hang

A few people feel Mo Cui looks be black, also be called so " Hei Feicui " , so " Hei Feicui " and " Mo Cui " are these two words two kinds of appellation of a kind of halcyon? Actually the answer is wrong.

Both the biggest distinction is in in Yu Heifei pervious to light hind wave black share is black as before, and it is first-rate that Mo Cui is in next pervious to light seeing emerald. Ice is planted wave black flower also is called " black chicken is planted " ,

Mo Cui is green below lamplight illuminate

Advanced black Hei Fei and Mo Cui...

Hei Fei still is black below lamplight illuminate

The ice with good head is planted wave Hei Huafei is emerald green the wash as China, also be pretty good curiosa. And the promising young person that Mo Cui calculates the emerald extent that must go up, mo Cui's air all the time very absorbing, of observation of kind of the ability after water can pass dozen of light only arrive.

Advanced black Hei Fei and Mo Cui...

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