" glorious " volunteer of mediation of dispute of 15 marriage family wins contract

" glorious " volunteer of mediation of dispute of 15 marriage family wins contract

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3 days day: Spit, class of east wind 3-4, highest air temperature 20 degrees;

3 days nightly: Spit, 3 class of east wind ≤ , lowermost air temperature 15 degrees;

Important news

Dispute of 15 marriage family mediates a volunteer to win contract

Recently, with " dispute of family of marriage of join forces mediate, dissolve a family to prevent domestic force contradiction, effectively " the city that gives priority to a problem turns over a cruel linkage the mechanism starts the scene that bring a district ceremony of appoint to a position of volunteer of mediation of meeting and marital family dispute is being promoted install Ou Xingxin. Come from city put together to treat do, the city the Women's Federation, director leader that begins the linkage unit such as bureau of the public security bureau that bring a district, court, judicatory, chairman of the Women's Federation of two counties, 6 areas and part cadre of authority of dimension of woman of street, community adds up to 105 people attend.

" glorious " volunteer of mediation of dispute of 15 marriage family wins contract

Spot of Liu Yanli of chairman of city the Women's Federation is dispute of first 15 marriage family to mediated a volunteer to issue letter of appoint to a position. These 15 volunteers come from social all circles, have old marital family issue to reconcile experience. As tripartite, they will intervene contradictory dispute mediates the family appropriately, in order to dissolve marital family dispute. Next, job of appoint to a position of volunteer of mediation of marital family dispute will be in whole town the Women's Federation of each county, area spreads out in succession.

" glorious " volunteer of mediation of dispute of 15 marriage family wins contract
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