Magenusen: Diving of A Longsuo that complains to resemble Neimaer is same

Magenusen: Diving of A Longsuo that complains to resemble Neimaer is same

Magenusen is in Alongsuo the blames assimilate to F1 Neimaer in TR.

A Longsuo expresses the dissatisfaction to Magenusen twice in British station, call him after FP1 " drive breakneckly " , accuse in the match when car hand is defending, Ha Si forces him to run later a circuit, tell his motorcade: "I am in those who see here before place did not see. "I am in those who see here before place did not see..

Be asked about when Magenusen whether does Alongsuo have individual opinion to him, sen Jian of equestrian case exert weighs him " do not know " -- state he is outside circuit with Alongsuo " without the problem " .

However, he makes Alongsuobi Neimaer really, latter is dived on the world cup by accusation.

"He can complain in TR really " , magenusen says. "But, my means, we also had seen in other sport. We also had seen in other sport..

"Even if of so great like Neimaer athlete and so on, they also can exaggerate. They also can exaggerate..

A Long Suoceng asks a secretary in charge of sth is investigated, but hand of Ha Si car did not receive punishment.

"I consider person in charge of something and do not have a movement, or it is match a secretary in charge of sth did not react completely, so I do not need to make a comment to this, " motorcade boss Gunther Steiner of Magenusen says.

"Very affirmative Feiernaduo is doing his work, he is one of the strongest car hands, he is in every respect is very outstanding. He is in every respect is very outstanding..

"He had run very long, he knows to should press what pushbutton, so he tried. So he tried..

"Very affirmative he is trying the can biggest change, there is be successful before crossing two weeks. There is be successful before crossing two weeks..

Because begin circle and teammate hit a car and British station of Magenusen is damaged.

Should be asked about this accident, magenusen says: "I won't sit here, what to censure, I do not think to have any reason to this. I do not think to have any reason to this..

"I think we can look ahead, the circumstance is apparent, we have a good racing car, we do not want to waste integral, so successful word won't repeat of place happening again. So successful word won't repeat of place happening again..

"We are very open in motorcade, very as close as each other, so we can look ahead very quickly. Of course, feel glad without the person to this, but this is such. But this is such..

"I took a few integral as before, but should obtain more originally. But we need two cars can groovy be in integral area. But we need two cars can groovy be in integral area..

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