Raise goose doggerel, raise goose to not be anxious!

Raise goose doggerel, raise goose to not be anxious!

System of small yellow goose is fragile, raise management to need careful course to cut into shreds not chop, the knife wants meal of sharp edge acute to boil without oily raw meat or fish work not to touch the mouth, dish is prevented poisonous should notice notice dawn goose is fond of dish, dish much meal grows less quickly to feed mix good aid digestion, chorion smashs benefit framework is added frequently feed protect cleanness, midnight day cool hunger must not want to prevent disease to feed mix medicine, sulphanilamide fights bacterium the grass in very pretty good nest is diligent change, the hair below abdomen is wet fall ill sufferring from hive off to raise is good way, size prevents extruding night to prevent rat day fire prevention group by group, the person does not leave group safer afternoon day by drench, wool avoids when advent of the wet disease that make lot is freezing air cooling, piece for fear that is cold want heat preservation day to did not warm depasture behindhand, goose sleeps cold disease hair dog days prevents burning sun, when giving evening early to put in noon break breath 's charge to depasture, drive slowly, be careful deep trench and loss of acute communicable diseases of tall bank gosling are big, mother goose antenatal prevents

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