Aerba: Do not know Louis - why doesn't Enlike recruit me, I had not spoken ill of him

Aerba: Do not know Louis - why doesn't Enlike recruit me, I had not spoken ill of him

The tiger attacks on September 3 dispatch cling to Aerba is in Sa full back to be interviewed with what mixture area media accepted after Weisika is surpassed,

"Myself is very open-eyed also without selected nation group, myself hopes to be able to be national effectiveness, but the decision that we know to this is a coach now, myself needs to value his option. Myself also is not very clear why to lose an election national group, becoming me also can be entered when position is not quite good actually. Becoming me also can be entered when position is not quite good actually..

And to the hearsay in he and Louis - Enlike concerns not beautiful, aerba expresses:

"Myself gets along with his still is more harmonious, I do not know how he thinks, myself also won't ask how he thinks after all. Myself does not need to call to him, also do not need him to explain him choice. Also do not need him to explain him choice..

"I and Louis - Mr Enlike is done not have any conflict, I also had not missayed, you can turn over my opinion on public affairs. Myself never thinks he is a bad coach, contrary, I feel he is very good, what myself says at that time is, I hope more coming on the stage time. I hope more coming on the stage time..

Finally, the movement that scores a goal to oneself today's celebration (cover eye, with Peideluo is identical yesterday) , the explanation weighs Aerba:

"This is to give my son, he is my joy of each days. I am cling to Sa effectiveness is old, this sports season leaves the bureau is pretty good. As to national group, do not depend on, depend on Louis - Mr Enlike. Depend on Louis - Mr Enlike..

Aerba: Do not know Louis - why doesn't Enlike recruit me, I had not spoken ill of him
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