Warm a company ice fire is double day: Some bosses run road, some is entered quickly row, who to enc

One warms before the employee that tells a company a few months wanted to resign allegedly, warm current job did ten years, oneself professional work is good also really, think oneself worked!

This is the common fault of this industry almost, what do anyway is not bad, become a boss with respect to him dream.

Warm a company ice fire is double day: Some bosses run road, some is entered quickly row, who to encircle to solve quite?

Some warms a company boss one language lays bare: The reason is very simple, it is this industry hardly what doorsill, representative a product can work, installation is general OK outside bag.

Some becomes a small boss of central air conditioning, say to be in Hangzhou, in fact of 90% warm tell a company, install a team without his. Warm a company ice fire is double day: Some bosses run road, some is entered quickly row, who to encircle to solve quite?

Air conditioning installation

Although, this also is current industry pain spot, but warm an a few kind that the company is economic cost and take act against one's will. But installation quality cannot accuse, bring about central air conditioning, actually 90% is complain, because install quality be caused by,be.

The boss runs road, it is who transfers last help straw

A few this years the family is decorated, installation of central air conditioning is a fundamental trend, but at present competition also arrived the degree of almost miserable intense.

It is with fluorine machine exemple, a lot of companies hit a group to buy price, company gross profit, nod to 10 scarcely, have a company even 5 the dot also is done. Encounter a few products to move price suddenly, will profitless. But why do a lot of companies want to use market of low race to control, idea is basic it is to want to sustain the end of the year, because of the policy of company of a lot of products, if finish,sell an end to the end of the year namely, can have the good award that return a dot.

I had interviewed to warm the boss that tells a company, speak of warm connect company boss to run road, even very well-known trademark produces a boss to run road incident. This warms handlers says a company elder continuously: Midway deficit makes the market, covet the end of the year returns profit, as a result catenary of many company midway capital appear serious problem, this is warm this year connect company boss to run of the road very important a reason.

Warm a company ice fire is double day: Some bosses run road, some is entered quickly row, who to encircle to solve quite?

2018, be many warming an industry employer " concealed body " year

Warm a company only outlet --

Had made installation, promote profit the space.

This is I speak with these young shopkeepers almost, their consistency opinion.

But why this industry, does installation remain a pain spot?

The personage inside course of study says: Warm current job does not lack a standard, but the installation army that does not have oneself because of a lot of enterprises, add company low to accept the order, blindly exploit installation group, installation labour also hopes to get the biggest gain, what this installs quality to do not have method canal to accuse namely is essential former

Warm a company ice fire is double day: Some bosses run road, some is entered quickly row, who to encircle to solve quite?

Air conditioning installation, also be profession of a tall danger

Installation has been done, want to promote installation the pay of personnel first. And front does not have business, the company is likely one cave in enters management hot water

I once suggested one warms a company: Raise the quoted price of the air conditioning central for instance, next, effective promotion installs the worker's pay, but ask to install craft to must observe installation standard standard surely.

This company also has made an attempt in fact: The result is reaction of personnel of a lot of business, many bill are reaved by the company of newspaper low.

Because of to a lot of clients character, before ordering seemingly, the price remains very big attraction.

Brief summary:

Warm at present a company, gain is small bring about from quality of personnel of course of study inferior, warm connect a company to also cannot pass high pay to acquire a talent. A lot of right talented people, even if be willing to want to be in aspiration of this industry put to good use, but great majority is not willing to lower one's standard or status in an attempt to. This also was restricted greatly warm the further progress that tells a company.

But I believe a bit: Warm at present a market, competition turns white-hot become normal state, situation of this kind of market, large quantities of one companies fall into disuse pure it is normal to belong to, finally, the company that can stand fast to character truly can show itself, but the consumer education of this need a long time, and, the likelihood still must pay enormous price among them!

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