Bilingual September 3 news is handpick: Qualitative check branch detects product of 50 drive midge,



Books, money Are Good Gifts

Give sb a present, qian Shu is most practical!

Researchers From The National University Of Singapore And The University Of Chicago Conductedsix Experiments Asking People About Giving And Receiving Gifts. They Found Gift-givers Prefer Those Expected To Produce Smiles Or Gasps Of Joy, but People Receiving Them Prefer Gifts That Will Make Them Happy Over The Long-term.

The researcher of Singapore state-maintaineding university and Chicago university developed 6 tests, enquire people is given experience with what receive a gift. They discover, giver prefers those to be able to let a person show smile or surprizing gift, but the person that accept a gift more favore those to be able to make them happy the gift of a long time.

Bilingual September 3 news is handpick: Qualitative check branch detects product of 50 drive midge, without one effective

When The Researchers Asked 80 People For Their Favorite Gifts, books And Money Came Out Among The Top For Satisfaction, despite Causing Little In The Way Of Smiles Or Squeals. Further Analysis Of 198 People And 600 Christmas Gifts Found Tools Like Acordless Drilloften Get Little Reaction But Provide High Satisfaction.

Researcher enquires to discover when the gift that they like most to 80 people, although can make the person shows smile or give out a shriek not quite, book and money are however the most satisfactory gift. They discover after further to 198 people and 600 Christmases gift analysis, the person that accept a gift often reacts to getting such tool like radio insipid, but satisfaction is spent very tall however.

Bilingual September 3 news is handpick: Qualitative check branch detects product of 50 drive midge, without one effective

Frivolousitems Like Cupcakes Produce A Good Reaction But Low Satisfaction. Another Experiment Found Gift-givers Preferred Personalized Mugs But People Given Them Preferred Less Thoughtfulergonomicones Designed To Be Easy To Use.

Although the not practical article such as paper cup cake can evoke good response, but the satisfaction of the person that accept a gift is spent very low however. Another experiment discovers, giver prefers to give custom-built cup, but although,the person that accept a gift prefers not close but the human body worker worker that uses easily learns a cup.

Key vocabulary

1, Conducted

Flower / ? K? Nd? Ktid/ beautiful / ? K ɑ Nd? Ktid/

V. Manage (the past participle of Conduct) ; Guide; Direct

2, Squeal

Flower / Skwi? L/ is beautiful / Skwil/

Vt. Inform against; Long sound screams

Vi. Inform against; Shrill voice ground says

N. Scream

3, Cordless Drill (flower / Dr? Is L/ beautiful / Dr? L/ )

Radio is gotten

4, Frivolous

Flower / 'fr? V(? ) L? Is S/ beautiful / 'fr? V? L? S/

Adj. Dull; Coltish; Trifling

5, Ergonomic

Flower / , ? ? ɡ ? ? 'n? M? Is K/ beautiful / ' ? G? 'n ɑ M? K/

Adj. Human environment is transformed learn; Of human engineering



Flight Times Extended

Boat look forward to spins intentionally airliner time

Plane Journeys Are Taking Longer Than A Decade Ago, according To A Report That Claims The Change Is Down To Airlines "padding" Their Schedules To Create The Impression Passengers Were Reaching Their Destinations On Time.

Compare with the photograph 10 years ago, gave the time of travel to lengthen by air. A report claims, because airline spins,this one change is when the flight is used, in order to create the impression that the passenger reachs destination on time.

Bilingual September 3 news is handpick: Qualitative check branch detects product of 50 drive midge, without one effective

Carriers Are Adding Extra Time To Flight Schedules, in Some Cases Up To 30 Minutes, to Ensure They Maintain Punctualityand Are Therefore Less Likely To Be Liable Forcompensationpayouts, the Investigation By UK Consumer Group Which? Claimed. Researchers Examined Average Flight Times For 125 Routes Operated By Large Airlines In 2009 And Compared Them With Last Year.

Does British consumer organize Which? Make claim after investigation, airline extends the plan flight time of the airliner, amount to 30 minutes sometimes, can keep in order to ensure bit more accurate, from this, they assumed the odds of liability to pay compensation to also be reduced to the passenger. Researcher analysed the average flight time of 125 course of operation of large 2009 airline, have they and the data 2017 contrast.

They Found That 76 Routes, or 61% , were Now Slatedto Take Longer. Airlines Said Their Aircraft Were Flying At Slower Speeds To Reduce Fuel Consumption And This Allowed Them To Offer Cheaper Fares. British Airways Also Told Which? That Air Traffic Congestion Was A Factor, with European Skies Now Much Busier Than 10 Years Ago.

Result discovery, have 76 line, namely the course of 61% present flight time is longer. Airline says, their plane flight speed slows is to reduce fuel to use up, this makes they can offer cheaper airline ticket. Does Ying Hang return pair of Which? Express, the traffic in sky is embraced blocking up also is an element, before European airspace wants to compare 10 years now busy much.

Key vocabulary

1, Padding

Flower / 'p? D? ? / beautiful / 'p? D? ? /

N. Filling; Mat makings

V. Fill (the Ing form of Pad)

2, Punctuality

Flower / , p? ? Ktj? ' ? L? T? / beautiful / ? P? ? Kt? ? ? ? L? T? /

N. Punctuality; Correct; Custom

3, Compensation

Flower / K? Mpen'se? ? (? ) N/ beautiful / , k ɑ Mp? N'se? ? N/

N. Compensation; Pay; Compensation

4, Slate

Flower / Sle? T/ is beautiful / Slet/

N. Slate; Flag; Blue; Stone piece

Vt. Flag; Severity criticizes someone; Plan

Adj. Of slate; Slate



Berlin Wall To Be 'rebuilt'

Heart artist drafts ' to rebuild ' Berlin wall

A Group Of Artists Said Tuesday They're Planning To Build A Facsimileof The Berlin Wall Around A Downtown Berlin Block In Mid-October. Visitors To The Artinstallationmust Buy "visas" Online Starting At 15 Euros.

A flock of artists express 28 days, they plan the replica that the middle ten days of a month will build Berlin wall all round a block in Berlin downtown in October. The tourist that heads for this one artistic establishment must buy " visa " on the net, have price 15 euro.

Bilingual September 3 news is handpick: Qualitative check branch detects product of 50 drive midge, without one effective

When Entering The Walled Area, they'll Have To Exchange Their Cellphones For A Smartphone Which Will Provide Individual Instructions For A Tour Including Documentaries, exhibits Or Concerts. The Artists' Group DAU, which Is Behind The Project, says It Wants To Distribute Between 1, 500-3, 000 "visas" Per Day.

When entering the area inside this enclosure, the tourist needs to exchange a smartphone with his mobile phone, this smartphone will offer an individual to visit a guideline for them, include newsreel, exhibition or concert. The artistic organization DAU of this project backside expresses, the hope extends everyday 1500 to 3000 " visa "

Inside The Walled Block, there Also Will Be Viewing Platforms From Which Visitors Can Peer Outside Into Berlin - In Contrast Tothe Cold War Platforms Where People Could Peek Into East Berlin From The West. The Wall Will Betorn Downon Nov 9 - 29 Years After The Original Berlin Wall Came Down.

. View scene stage still is set inside this block that has enclosing wall, the tourist can look at Berlin outwards from view scene stage -- the view scene stage of this and cold war period is different, people is OK at that time from Xi Bailin peek Dong Bailin. The duplicate of this Berlin wall will be overturned on November 9, the Berlin wall collapse with this real distance already had 29 years of time.

Key vocabulary

1, Facsimile

Flower / F? K's? M? L? / beautiful / F? K's? M? Li/

N. Fax; Autotype

Adj. Duplicate

Vt. Fax; Copy

2, Installation

Flower / ? Nst? 'le? ? (? ) is N/ beautiful / ' ? Nst? 'le? ? N/

N. Installation, device; Assume office

3, In Contrast To

With... form contrast

4, Torn Down

V. Tear down; Bespatter; Disassemble; Tear down



Repellents Not Working

Product of 50 drive midge is not had one effective

Fifty Mosquito Repellentproducts, including Mosquito Repellent Patches And Wristbands, prove To Be Of Little Help, beijing Quality Supervision Authorities Said After Conducting Recent Sample Tests.

Bureau of Beijing qualitative inspect was stuck to including drive midge recently and annulus of drive midge hand inside after product of 50 drive midge undertakes sampling detecting, discover the product is not had one effective.

Bilingual September 3 news is handpick: Qualitative check branch detects product of 50 drive midge, without one effective

Bought From Online And Offline Stores, these New Mosquito Repellent Products, with Price Tags Varying From 5.2 To 66 Yuan, all Boasteda Plant-based Formula With A Long Effective Duration For Babies And Pregnant Women. The Test Result Is Disappointing.

Products of these new-style drive midge are bought with the shop below the line from the line, the price differs to 66 yuan from 5.2 yuan, all so-called use plant recipe, drive midge effect is lasting, children and pregnant woman are applicable. Detect the result is disappointing.

Scientists Noted That The Dose Of Citronellol, an Oil Used For Keeping Insects Away, in Mosquito Repellent Products Is The Key Factor In Assessing Its Effectiveness. Among The 50 Samples, 14 Of Them Did Not Have Citronellol, while The Rest Reportedly Had The Ingredient But At Amounts Below The Standard.

Scientists ever pointed out, the lemongrass aldehyde in drive midge product (be used to one kind helminthic fat dose) dosage is the crucial factor that evaluates effectiveness of its drive midge. According to the report, 50 sample contain lemongrass aldehyde 14 times medium far from, in other sample although contain lemongrass aldehyde, but dosage under the standard.

Key vocabulary

1, Repellent

Flower / R? 'pel(? ) is Nt/ beautiful / R? 'p? L? Nt/

Adj. Repellent; Waterproof; Resilient; Rebarbative

N. Repellent; Repellent; Discharge repulsion

2, Boast

Flower / B? ? St/ is beautiful / Bost/

Vt. Thrasonical say, self-dramatizing say; In order to have... and proud

N. Boastful; Be worth pretentious thing, the thing that feel honored

Vi. Self-dramatizing

3, Citronellol

/ , s? Tr? 'n? L? L; , s? Tr? 'n? Lol; , s? Tr? 'n? L ɑ L/

Lemongrass alcohol; Flavor; Lemongrass mellow flavor; Fragrant camphor tree is mellow

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