Did not come 2 years the world great change, card of the bank after you have 50 thousand to be infer

Did not come 2 years the world great change, card of the bank after you have 50 thousand to be inferior to investing the most popular business 1 year explodes break up!

If you are one has the person of the eye, thinking pattern that has his,Ma Yun says, abandon a variety of your argument, will come true your substantially economy promotes. Someone says to never had had an opportunity, so: 91 years stock market just entered China, how many person does not believe a stock. But bring up from stock market when the first batch of moneybags when coming out, there is not the person of investment at that time, which be afterthought not is reached? The opportunity is now before you, and can hold, dare try to see yourself.

Did not come 2 years the world great change, card of the bank after you have 50 thousand to be inferior to investing the most popular business 1 year explodes break up!

The market economy of our country had grown fast 30 years, before the business chance with gigantic hold in store of this information age, what should you do? If do not want to work to others, the month enters 100 thousand profitable business chance, if you think the month is entered 100 thousand add 15630880159 in China, the field that has a lot of is full of tremendous business chance, but dare you stretch your hand,go taking? Dare you intervene? Do not say with me fund is huge, unluckily the construction that white wolf of somebody empty glove can take a freeway! Do not say you with me not know the business, ma Yun says he also does not know Internet, alibaba is annual all the same a few turnover of 100 million! Do not say your nobody arteries and veins with me, arteries and veins of the person on the net wants be over? Do not say with me your age is small, 80 hind the millions upon millions rich and powerful person that has had a lot of! Do not say with me you do not have time, the person that if say,does not have time truly is a the dead. Do not say with me you do not like, a person is in when doing not have money, it is to do not have a qualification to talk those who like. Do not say with me you are improper, what do you know you suit to do? Does the business that you do now suit you very much?

China had so much person to succeed, developed, why are you done not have however? What should you do? Actually, what you should do most is change idea and thinking! A lot of people say he have head, can do not have gain money namely, did not succeed, is this why? Do not be oneself to defend for poor self-esteem, only self-respect, cannot eat when the meal! Do not change idea and thinking, blind lane!

Did not come 2 years the world great change, card of the bank after you have 50 thousand to be inferior to investing the most popular business 1 year explodes break up!

Great majority person, often lack in proper when the ability of next decisions, so, arrive as a child big, live in all the time regret in the center, regret why to to dare to profession in time to oneself the person oen is in love with before, so that by others the swift-footed arrive first, regret why to there is seasonable abdication go into business before, so that can look at that only now once ability is far the hair of National People's Congress that is inferior to oneself is sent especially, regret to did not buy a house at an early date, those who regret to did not sell the stock; in skill you at an early date is so old, have regret too much, because,be, dare not leave a decision, fear failure, be afraid of adventure, be afraid of be duped, be afraid of be in an unfavorable situation, little imagine, to finally, ate instead the biggest deficient, because miss successful opportunity, do not earn big money all the time! One of poor giving birth to! The person's lifetime, as long as living, each days are taking a risk, harships thunder, the car comes the car is gone to, ailment of life and death, who can assure, without the accident. What who to count on to be able to not take a risk is living. Small make up think, since cannot not take a risk, a few years of life, what are you still afraid of then? Or else goes all out in work old!

Did not come 2 years the world great change, card of the bank after you have 50 thousand to be inferior to investing the most popular business 1 year explodes break up!

Ma Yun says to let all of us think back to together oneself father, which generation person captured father's father which fortune, if we are not the offspring of wealthy person, so the ancestor that should we grip a fortune to do wealthy person? Delectable is, we received the money with him be closely bound up now.

1, computer mobile telephone is changed, the trend of mobile phone computerization.

2, the country takes the trend of environmental protection seriously more and more.

3, the country develops one area energetically all the way trend.

4, artificial intelligence carries the trend that accelerates character.

5, mobile Duan Yue will exceed the trend that develop.

6, the trend with network rapidder and rapidder rate.

7, the trend with clearer and clearer reality of imitate of AR, VR.

8, game crowd is small age the tide that turn.

9, the education on the line more and more all-pervading trend.

10, land is on the move to accumulate bedding face the trend that roll out.

11, the big tide that the city turns.

Did not come 2 years the world great change, card of the bank after you have 50 thousand to be inferior to investing the most popular business 1 year explodes break up!

There are two commendable words on the world, one cries serious, one makes hold to. Serious person changed him, importunate person changed a destiny. Our everybody is had a bit collective, that is, time resembles a piece of net, you are scattered where, where is your results.

Hold instantly trend, change traditional mind. Otherwise you are defeated suffering a crushing defeat!

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