Royal seal of golden division day shows a room to appear

Royal seal of golden division day shows a room to appear

On September 8, royal seal of golden division day " build extremely " the whole world opens act and area of project true condition to fall next heavy curtain. Of product of mellow villa of zoology of royal seal of golden division day be born, open new era of villa of health of abstruse north hot spring.

Wu Xingzhi of chief inspector of sale of royal seal of golden division day introduces, project periphery ancient tree around, river bay encircle, zoology environment and natural landscape are advantaged, the product is French style, building of material of complete stone inscription establishs a range. Be worth what carry is, the hot spring that the project provided rarely of current and villatic market to have is entered door, illicit home swim form a complete set of place of business of wine of service of pool, man-to-man healthy government, top class red wine.

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