Sow bilk of network of telecommunication signing up for | early comfort of another name for Guangdon

Important news

Prison of state of ● China Disciplinary Commission appoint the decision builds system of supervisor of engage by special arrangement to should be chosen from these a few kinds of people

3 days, prison of state of China Disciplinary Commission appoint the website is announced " way of work of supervisor of engage by special arrangement of national control commission " , the actor in pointing out supervisor of engage by special arrangement to basically be represented from countrywide National People's Congress is chosen invite, also but from committee member of countrywide the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, with the country mechanism concerns sectional clerk in the center of, member of each democratic party, a public figure without party affiliation, enterprise, institution and social organization are represented, expert scholar, media and artist, and the actor in delegate of a gleam of and basic level masses is chosen invite.

3 ministries and commissions of ● : The welfare lottery that do sth without authorization uses Internet to sell, sports lottery is inspected illegal lottery

Recently, the 3 ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of finance are revised jointly release " lottery regulation carries out detailed rules " point out, the welfare lottery that do sth without authorization uses Internet to sell, sports lottery is inspected illegal lottery. Service of department of finance of prefectural class above, civil administration branch, sports, and lottery issues orgnaization, lottery to sell an orgnaization, ought to cooperate public security mechanism and market actively to supervise management department to investigate illegal lottery lawfully, uphold lottery market order.

● center look forward to wind anti-corruption: 18 big since already punish 39612 people

According to statistic, of the party 18 big since to this year in July, central discipline appoint national prison appoint be stationed in national endowment appoint record be careful in one's conduct is censorial group and center look forward to are various censorial orgnaization accepts discipline check in all the letter is visited inform against 190099 (second) , first nucleus 98634, put on record 28399, give punish of discipline of party disipline politics 39612 people, move send a judiciary to treat 1101 people.

● environment ministry: Unit of 4 affiliated to a ministry is in still exist from the tight side that control a faction in the round more outstanding issue

Recently, government of zoology environment ministry announces 19 big since the first round of perambulatory circumstance: The 4 units leading Party group such as China north bureau, southwest bureau (Party committee) on the whole can firm establish " 4 consciousness " , carry out each decision-making deploy that implements department leading Party group seriously, but in still exist from the tight side that control a faction in the round a few more outstanding issues.

● lash-up runs a department: Begin the safety of spatial fire control such as cultural relic building, museum to check instantly

3 days, bureau of fire control of lash-up government department allots an announcement to say, branch of each district fire control wants couplet chummage to build, the branch such as cultural relic, religion, begin the public such as cultural relic building, museum to collect safety of spatial fire control to check instantly, supervise and urge its perform duty of main body of fire control safety, eliminate fire hidden danger; The organization collects spatial legal representative to the public such as cultural relic building, museum or main controller undertakes its make commitment of fire control safety to the society agreement talking supervising and urge.

Big data of bilk of ● telegraphic network: First instance end a case was added last year 7 before becoming Zhejiang Guangdong Henan 3

3 days, top magic art releases big data of judicatory of case of telegraphic network bilk to show external, 2017, the whole nation already writtened guarantee case of bilk of network of first instance telecommunication is measured relatively rose 2016 70.34% . Look from guilty district, nearly two years, case of telegraphic network bilk tries a court to basically be centered in the foreland such as Fujian, Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Henan case volume rises considerably 6.07 percent, 2017 row whole nation the 3rd.

● Harbin " 8.25 " fire accident reason finds out: All round ignition of electric circuit short circuit material

On September 3, board of inquiry of accident of Heilongjiang province government announces Harbin " 8.25 " fire accident reason, already proving on fire cause is a hotel electric circuit short circuit forms unit of 2 fan coil high temperature electric arc, all round ignition plastic green plant decorates material and spread cause disaster. On August 25, heilongjiang Harbin hot spring of dragon of north of island of sun of area of city loose north is recreational hotel happening fire, cause 20 people death. [deferent door]

● man cruellies kill mental woman is deadly first instance is innocent stay of execution of change the original sentence of counterappeal of procuratorial work mechanism

2013, the mental woman Zhong Mou that is the same as a village cruellies kill after Guangdong saves drunk wine of far east of bell of man of the city that promote peace, morrow, zhong Mou is discovered the whole body is bare already died. Classics appraisal, zhong Mou because pudenda is caused to die to pectoral abdominal cavity by jab of thorn of bulrush bine stalk. Via to sue of Meizhou city procuratorate, court with case fact not clear, evidence is not worth for, far east of bell of person of declare the accused is innocent. Classics Guangdong saves counterappeal of the support after the procuratorate is examined, recently, the court sentences capital punishment of far east of bell of the accused person with harming a blame intentionally, postpone a deadline is carried out 2 years. [deferent door]


● " Gao Tieba male " blacklist be includinged takes restriction all train banquet to fasten

Center of communal credit information announces the country to be added newly August break one's promise associated chasten target is official show, because break his promise badly,add newly behavior and limitation takes the train to break his promise badly 247 people of person. Among them, "Gao Tieba male " Sun He appears in " blacklist " in, will be restricted to take all train banquet to fasten. [deferent door]

● today's top headlines is shown arrogate to oneself is sowed " Yan Xi strategy " love to surprise art claim for compensation 30 million

Because think " today's top headlines " sow work of movie and TV without permitting do sth without authorization to transmit heat " Yan Xi strategy " , beijing love is strange art limited company of science and technology transmits power with network of information of enroach on work for will " today's top headlines " byte of operation business Beijing beats limited company of science and technology appeals to to the court, demand the other side suspends tort action instantly, compensate for pecuniary loss and reasonable defray to add up to 30 million yuan. A few days ago, court of Beijing Haidian district already accepted this proposal.

● releases false information to be " elder brother hill throws a person " favour of Guangdong of contribution of family member of the person that hurt makes the same score one man by arrest

3 days, according to Guangdong province favour makes the same score authoritative information of city public security bureau, one netizen releases false information to say through small gain, for " elder brother hill throws a person " contribution of family member of the person that incident is hurt 300 thousand yuan, hind by force of pressure of public security mechanism, confess his crime at 2 days of a criminal give himself up to the police. Classics trial, li Mou billows was explained according to the facts to achieve " the net is red " purpose, used net name on September 1 " Li Jiachen " false contribution information is released on sina small gain, hind this are small rich is informed against because of the netizen by permanent ban speech.

● is rich 2 generation form a delegation police of drug taking Hangzhou arrests more than 50 suspect

August the middle ten days of a month, police of Xiao Shan district of city of Zhejiang province Hangzhou arrested 22 years old of men the drug taking suspect such as Mao Mou of 19 years old of Xiaoli, women. Police established case group after, rich 2 generation " pothead " the organization rises to surface, they are familial the ten million on asset, had had the experience that study abroad or studying abroad for the most part. On September 1, case constituent does not seize more than 50 to traffic in and other places of the city zone on Hangzhou, the look stays and suck violates guilty suspect hempenly.

The family member dies to say 1.2 million guarantee slip changes during generation of ● drop drop drives a driver to work 10 thousand

Generation of a drop drives Hunan the driver is in accept the order after traffic accident happening to die on the road, driver family member discovers, 1.2 million yuan of insurance of drop company commitment drip before this, became 1.2 million yuan " safeguard " , and the collective insurance guarantee slip that has a piece of faintness only, amount from what allege originally 1.2 million became 10 thousand. To this, response of drop drop head office says, 1.2 million affirmation is met, want the dead's family member to refer traffic accident responsibility to maintain a book to give a drop to be able to be gotten only, but the family member does not cooperate.

Dance of steel tube of performance of opening celebration of one nursery school teachs ● Shenzhen bureau: Remove to grow a post field

3 days, on opening celebration of nursery school of Xin Shahui of area of Baoan of city of Guangdong province Shenzhen, one woman undertakes steel tube dance is performed, those who watch a show is the student of nursery school and parent. "Make the child much know dance to plant. " garden is long express. To this, baoan area teachs bureau bulletin to say: ① enjoins this garden is mixed to the parent social excuse; ② is instructed remove to grow a post field; ③ begins an inspection to this garden.

History go up now

[interpreter " the wealth of the nations " he went] on September 4, 2016 morning, home of our country economist, educationist, interpreter, south open an university to teach Yang Jing year die of illness in Tianjin, die at the age of is 108 years old. He translates economics famous book 90 years old " the wealth of the nations " , become academic best seller; 100 years old year publish autobiography of 270 thousand word " period cheek narrates a bosom " ; Was elected as academician of honor of institute of Oxford emperor body 2016. Transmit, recall.

Now topic

[the 8.4 million belongings that buy grain tastes the woman " change " insurance is taken out should when 108 years old] Zhu Xiaoming of Heilongjiang Harbin citizen and family buy product of conduct financial transactions to the bank, invested in all 8.4 million, became insurance however finally. If consider resumptive capital, need when she 108 years old or die. Bank response says, those who sell Zhu Xiaoming the product is the person of insurance company. Insurance company says, the two people that handle insurance at that time already left his post, already reported this matter.

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