Court of justice of China shade town, public security bureau seizes a net to escape jointly " Laola

(reporter: Ma Yun history cries) extensive of the arm of the law, scanty and do not leak! On August 20, police of police station of railway station of Hubei Chinese mouth is passed " person face identifies compare pair of systems " discover a negative case is at large successfully personnel, via comparing pair of discovery that check, be labelled what turn over public security mechanism to undertake investigation with blame of court decision of refus nonperformance court, ruling to be carried out by court of people of China shade city just about person Zhu Mou.

Court of justice of China shade town, public security bureau seizes a net to escape jointly " Laolai "

After affirmatory identity, immediately of policeman of police station of Chinese mouth railway station and public security bureau of China shade city get in touch, know of mechanism of public security of China shade city informs this case carries out a judge instantly, head for Hubei Wuhan detain to wind this person be executived together subsequently.

Dispute of contract of construction of Zhu Mou of person be executived and Chai Mou, Li Mou one case, via me courtyard cognizance already was made in September 2012 (2012) Yin Minchu word book of the 00146th civil mediation, 1.559 million yuan of experience record label, the Zhu Mou after become effective of legal copy clerk paid an applicant 40 thousand yuan on October 6, 2012 only, did not fulfil reimbursement obligation entirely, subsequently the applicant applies for to be carried out compulsively to this academy.

The case is entered after carrying out level compulsively, after Zhu Mou pays 200 thousand yuan to the applicant again, surplus money was not fulfilled all the time. Classics investigation, open of Zhu Mou under one's name has solely invested company, register fund 20 million yuan have multinomial capital contact, the Zhu Mou in 4 years subsequently knows perfectly well a court to carry out avoid intentionally however and refus does not report to the court belongings, its behavior already was suspected of refus carrying out blame of court decision, ruling, china shade court was suspected of refus with Zhu Mou on Feburary 9, 2017 hold the blame is turned over to public security bureau of China shade city investigate, subsequently public security bureau of China shade city investigates Zhu Mou put on record and Zhu Mou information is released on the net.

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