Husband goes broke be murdered, the daughter after 15 years gets married, see bridegroom face, my pa

I call Zhou Shujie, be acquainted with husband more than 20 years ago and marry, at the outset the family member is to object us marrying extremely, because old at that time the pubic is very difficult, but the bearing that I take a fancy to husband, also feel old to consortium does a career one time by skill. Also did not give my place material, be in our postnuptial the 5th year, husband opened a company to be done gradually big. The day live well of our home after rising, the family member also recognizes the talent of my husband.

Husband goes broke be murdered, the daughter after 15 years gets married, see bridegroom face, my paralysis is on the ground

Ability is 4 the daughter years old at that time, husband draws a talented person from the other place later, saying is to be in foreign university to graduate to have talent very much, spent many money to invite husband, also give him to manage the items of an account of the company with a few important files. However at the beginning company movement is really right, can be in the 3rd year, this person digs two mainstays of company, give hostile company items of an account and file. Suspend payment of very fast company, I am very clear remember, the one night before husband is faced, call me to take good care of the daughter is brought up adult, be in the following day, committed suicide in the company.

Husband goes broke be murdered, the daughter after 15 years gets married, see bridegroom face, my paralysis is on the ground

Pay off debt to give husband, ten that years I changed a lot of job, also offer the daughter smoothly an university, went 15 years, the debt that husband owes already also was paid off, push Laogong to that individual of death in those days, I am written down as clear as dayly, forget impossibly also. Can be in last month, the daughter knows the male friend of fast half an year to want to hold wedding with her, I followed to reach man home as motorcade that day, when can wanting to hold wedding, when I see the face to bridegroom, I have some of illusion immediately, can be in the one instant of my face about, I see that individual that kills my husband dead in those days, this person is the uncle of bridegroom unluckily!

Husband goes broke be murdered, the daughter after 15 years gets married, see bridegroom face, my paralysis is on the ground

My heart immediately terrific, personal enemy is before, but the daughter marries them unluckily, call the police catch this individual, will naturally form enemy to complain with their home. Come 15 this years I am more than want to capture this individual, it is the ruin that he brings to our home, but the daughter's happiness also is before, I cannot bear again the truth that the heart tells her the thing is brutal, if otherwise, husband also won't get resting in Tian Zhiling, who can tell me, how should I do?

Note: The picture originates network network

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