Liu Jiang Dongmei country lawyer: He 99% won't be sued, may final meeting receives American police

Liu Jiang Dongmei country lawyer: He 99% won't be sued, may final meeting receives American police apology

Liu Jiang east pass this two days in the thing that the United States is arrested ferment what had passed is bubbling with noise, flashy whole nation knew up and down. Especially American police gave off Liu Jiang east be arrested photograph, for a short while Internet of resounding and whole China. When temperature of a thing is higher, the person that pays close attention to the truth is less, for example Liu Jiang east the circumstance that whether this case exists to accuse phonily really, very few somebody pays close attention to the truth. More and more people can be joined come in the cavalcade that watch the scene of bustle, do not close nitty-gritty how. The American lawyer east accepts Liu Jiang today interview, this lawyer gave out according to the law of American place oneself opinion and view.

Liu Jiang Dongmei country lawyer: He 99% won't be sued, may final meeting receives American police apology

Following plan institute are shown, it is Liu Jiang east the lawyer that is in the United States, be called Fulidebaige. This lawyer has apologetic experience of 40 years, it is a senior attorney. According to American distinguished newspaper " wall street daily " report, this lawyer is being accepted when interviewing, be certain Liu is strong east won't receive any prosecution. And state oneself are mixed last Liu the word still is in Jiangdongtong 30 hours before, mix up to now Liu Jiang east had not met, still do not understand Liu Jiang up to now so east the specific content that is accused.

Liu Jiang Dongmei country lawyer: He 99% won't be sued, may final meeting receives American police apology

According to this lawyer's old experience, like Liu Jiang east after be being accused this termless release, had not buckled the passport that issues him, such situation is very unusual. Normally the circumstance falls, the Liu Jiang below this kind of circumstance east won't receive any prosecution (of 99% won't receive any prosecution) , and American police should undertake an apology to this incident.

Liu Jiang Dongmei country lawyer: He 99% won't be sued, may final meeting receives American police apology

So if be false accusation this, can according to Liu Jiang of local law accusation this woman east have corresponding penalty? The answer is to won't have any penalty. Division of rules and forms of classical poem says Fulidebai, according to local law, if the victim made false accusation, also won't have any penalty, even if you scattered a lie to also won't have penalty to the police. Accordingly, if Liu is strong east what receive this is false accusation, also can be to eat a be unable to speak out about one's grievances only.

Liu Jiang Dongmei country lawyer: He 99% won't be sued, may final meeting receives American police apology

And the fall victim daughter that spread everywhere to a network yesterday advocate photograph classics check also is a holiday, this wide on the network for what circulate female advocate be not American student studying abroad, however a net of Chongqing is red, with Liu Jiang east do not pull assume office why to concern.

Liu Jiang Dongmei country lawyer: He 99% won't be sued, may final meeting receives American police apology

According to Reuter report, liu Jiang east had gone back to the motherland at present.

Liu Jiang Dongmei country lawyer: He 99% won't be sued, may final meeting receives American police apology

The thing still did not fall final conclusion now, hope Liu is strong east this incident just is misunderstood, clear person from Qing Dynasty.

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