" environment " sewage rubbish of the country cleared, the surroundings of people will get amelior

Publicize Ling Bi to serve Ling Bi

On September 2, prefectural Ceng Chao presses down punish of survey country environment to Lou Zhuang " 3 great revolution " the job.

" environment " sewage rubbish of the country cleared, the surroundings of people will get ameliorative!

The edge goes to look by the side of Ceng Chao, the edge listens to ask by the side of, effect of work of repair of environment of country of close to guard of a surname bank phase expresses affirmation, undertook emphasizing to working next at the same time.

" environment " sewage rubbish of the country cleared, the surroundings of people will get ameliorative!

Ceng Chao points out, begin rural environment " 3 great revolution " , it is the significant step that improves rural person to rank an environment. Guard of a surname bank wants aggrandizement politics consciousness, unified thought, resolved, according to the arrangement deploy of government of county of county Party committee, science plans as a whole plan, refine working act further, perfect working mechanism, push work of rural environment repair deep continuously. Want to increase working strength, union solves a problem actually, hold to a problem to direct, fill as soon as possible neat short board, accelerate advance sewage processing and rubbish to clear enclothe completely, ensure high level, high quality finishs processing job. In the meantime, want to produce effect of model of cadre of basic level Party member, conduct idea of idea of poverty door change, abolish is abusive, nurturance tells the good convention of wholesome heavy health, improve the manufacturing surroundings of difficult masses ceaselessly.

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" environment " sewage rubbish of the country cleared, the surroundings of people will get ameliorative!

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