Now expensive for the world the first, the Qiu Jianliang a few years ago still moves a brick on buil

Now nowadays, china strikes the hottest strike star is not Qiu Jianliang to not be belonged to, high intelligence quotient of tall record of formal schooling, with the actual strength that its fame matchs, strike practically skill, let him embrace wholesale tens of 10 thousand, a trends can be brought of hundred thousands of read a quantity.

Now expensive for the world the first, the Qiu Jianliang a few years ago still moves a brick on building site

But who can think of, the Qiu Jianliang a few years ago still moves a brick on building site, his identity day is a laborer, night is the peaceful fist athlete of house of a spare fist, the new book that proposes fine in Qiu " knockdown art " in, he is stated so, be duped in building site by day coolie, dry move a brick, help the miscellaneous work such as sand, go to boxing house training by subway in the evening, to catch up with training course, can have bit of thing simply only normally.

Now expensive for the world the first, the Qiu Jianliang a few years ago still moves a brick on building site

Before joining big Dong Xiang, the fist of Lian Tai of house of a fist that Qiu Jianliang is in Shanghai, await him to work to train at the same time at the same time in those days, the tounament of countrywide peaceful fist that those who attend is spare property, had taken the champion of 75KG.

Now expensive for the world the first, the Qiu Jianliang a few years ago still moves a brick on building site

Bringing this capacity, offer one's services of Qiu Jianliang Xiang Guochen winter, after transition profession strikes, begin to cut a figure in fierce forest wind, along with Guo Chen the winter joins the honor of Trojan after, open the brilliant canto of professional career, has laid good hand to fine pink character very familiar with sth, if wish to enter and ascend a world freedom to strike a rank that measure level the first, a few years short, ascensive amazingly quick.

Now expensive for the world the first, the Qiu Jianliang a few years ago still moves a brick on building site

Harvested belt of a lot of championship not only, fame honor, still improved individual and family life greatly, besides effort assiduous belief, still have opportunity of course.

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