Cao holds 12 classical logion

① Gu has why blame, if the world does not have Gu, do not know to have emperor of a few person, king of a few person. Cao holds 12 classical logion?

② calls me person of negative the world rather, do not call the world person to lose me! ③ often as thoroghbred horse Fu Li, annals is in a thousand li; Martyr old age, strong heart unceasingly.

④ Ai Zai, feng Xiao! Painful, feng Xiao! Cherish, feng Xiao!

⑤ has overmatch to just match Tan Renyi only, the weak has only by abandonCao holds 12 classical logion?

The person that ⑥ becomes a major issue cannot not have money, consist cash not completely however. It is a person above all, be better than of the person that get one hero person of exceptional ability 100 thousand bullion.

If the path of ⑦ sage is useful, the sage is early with respect to unify the whole country

⑧ a person wants accomplish sth, have to take case put below.

⑨ failure is a favour, failure can church how do we succeed, fail can church we how get victory, failure can how do we become church great undertaking.

⑩ does not have the person that emerge victorious in every battle on this world, be defeated only and do not danger, be defeated and beneficial brave, and obtain triumphal person finally. Cao holds 12 classical logion?

11, how do you know the anonymous mean creatures now, some day can renown shake the world. If true renown shake the world, you can is for the thing now afterthought not reached? 12, Si Mayi eagle inspects a wolf to consider, unwilling long below house person, er must prevent. ?

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