Does building formaldehyde exceed mark what to harm have to human body? Can you cause cancer?

In the times that goes up in loiter of loiter of this house price, can buy the house that belongs to oneself, it is a very happy thing really. But after some people are decorating a building, dare not live tardy however go in, that building formaldehyde exceeds mark to have what harm, does true meeting cause cancer?

Does building formaldehyde exceed mark what to harm have to human body? Can you cause cancer?

Formaldehyde is indoor a kind of thing that endangers person body health, it has very strong excitant, the place of direct contact airy such as mucous membrane of the eye ministry that it counteracts a person in air, respiratory tract, undertake a series of reaction.

If people is in the place with formaldehyde higher content for a long time to have breath, if living, can cause person smell, liver function to drop, the demote below immune force a lot of harms, what serious word still meets pair of people is neurological cause certain poison with liver.

Does building formaldehyde exceed mark what to harm have to human body? Can you cause cancer?

In the carcinogen report that according to American health the branch issues, formaldehyde had made a kind of carcinogenic substance, can cause cancer of person nose pharynx, rhinal cancer, paranasal sinus cancer, return the leukaemia that can cause a person, meeting degradation tumour restrains formaldehyde of tall pH indicator albumen, the albumen that has injured does not have method rehabilitate.

And indoor formaldehyde concentration is higher, to person body damage bigger, when indoor formaldehyde the person can smell inside the room when chroma is lighter pungent flavour, when formaldehyde chroma increases the person's eye can feel uncomfortable, shed tear ineffably.

Does building formaldehyde exceed mark what to harm have to human body? Can you cause cancer?

Return meeting occurrence throat to ache even, the feeling of disgusting, giddy dazzled, if family occupy this house before long, major person has the family the irritability disease such as nettle rash, eczema, sneeze, and if these symptoms accentuate somewhat inside the room, that family member is about to consider the issue that is indoor formaldehyde.

Did everybody understand the harm sex of room formaldehyde now? It is so before occupy new building, everybody must seasonable and ventilated, best can ventilated 3 months above, before occupy goes, had better detect formaldehyde content.

Does building formaldehyde exceed mark what to harm have to human body? Can you cause cancer?

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