Ma Yun: Does your money still sleep in the bank? Investment 40 thousand can do global business netiz

Ma Yun talks about Chinese future to have two kinds of people only, one kind makes money on Internet, one kind is consumed on Internet! A few when Ma Yun says touch the word of popular feeling! Operator of a person of foresight; After knowing after, become aware the person that follow; Imperceptible consumer! Want you not to abandon only your dream, your dream won't abandon forever you!

In periods of such an economy transition, can say a lot of people want to do poineering work, the die out of an industry, be sure to be able to have the occurrence of another new industry, this is the child of the times, how can be that found after all fit oneself poineering project? Had gone 2018 large half an year, to doing poineering work person for, this is a year of like a rising wind and scudding clouds undoubtedly, big data, cloud computation, area piece catenary, artificial intelligence is waited a moment, blast tuyere catchs, it is to let a person have too many visitors or business to deal with really. What a place with a draught and opportunity can 2018 second half of the year still have?

Well-known, ma Yun now is financial one big tycoon, ma Yun has the thinking of lead and eye, and is Ma Yun forecasted in future most what is this industry that make money after all?

Ma Yun: Does your money still sleep in the bank? Investment 40 thousand can do global business netizen: Truth

Someone says, the net is bought accomplished Alibaba; The Ma Yun that is a teacher only originally can found the Internet firm with domestic top nowadays market prise, the eye that sees him is original. Nowadays Alibaba's edition piece already layout arrives each corners of Internet, before paragraph time is more old man sold hunger outside was being bought with 90 much dollars, capital of devoted a huge sum invests industry of millet layout mobile phone.

Want to know, it is one year Alibaba closed with respect to battalion last year merely 2500 much, income grew 60% than 16 years, can saying is very breathtaking!

Ma Yun: Does your money still sleep in the bank? Investment 40 thousand can do global business netizen: Truth

Ma Yun has said: To 2020, volume of shipment of global intelligence hardware will achieve 6.4 billion above, year compound increase rate exceeds 30% . Be in our country, intelligent hardware product shows dimensions to change grow continuously, intelligence can apparel the model of product shipment gauge such as household of equipment, intelligence all exceeds ten million ministry, partial product growth is rapid at the whole world. Predict 2018, terminal of hardware of our country intelligence and service market dimensions exceed 500 billion yuan, can amount to horse of -727379968 yuan of dimensions to always say 2020: Consumer makes consumptive trade, new trend comes greatly, capture business chance to make money become rich to show according to data of statistic of national information center, our country shared economy to realize the market to trade 2016 the forehead 3.45 trillion yuan, grow 103% compared to the same period, participate in share a number to amount to 600 million, provide server number about 60 million. In the near future, our country shares economy to will maintain year all 40% right-and-left high speed grow.

Ma Yun: Does your money still sleep in the bank? Investment 40 thousand can do global business netizen: Truth

We must want to pair of future think distinctly, hold to what did not come, produce oneself advantage. Below the case that has explosion extremely in human knowledge, the mankind came 2000 in the past, knowledge produced the change of world-shaking. But, our mankind is right wisdom, will have evolution hardly 2000. Knowledge can learn to come, wisdom is a kind of experience. The competition of the mankind and mankind is the competition of wisdom, competition of the experience.

If we continue the teaching method previously, undertake to our child, write down, back, calculate these things. Do not let the child experience, do not let them try painting and calligraphy of musical instrument chess. I can assure, the children after 30 years cannot find the job.

Ma Yun: Does your money still sleep in the bank? Investment 40 thousand can do global business netizen: Truth

Because, you do not have method to compete this times. It is intellectual times 200 years of in the past, it is the times of science and technology. What did not come is centenary the times that is wisdom, it is the times of the experience, it is the times of the service. Because, the machine will replace the past 200 years to come, a lot of technologies and science and technology.

Comply with the advent of times of science and technology, effort study, get used to social trend, although Ma Yun's word says very to pass! But should cause we think over and receive! Had hoped to go up Qian Youxian wants to buy buy the life that wants to play, want to do poineering work make money to be afraid that it is good to do not have again nobody arteries and veins does not have platform experience, concern worries about that this, that lets Internet poineering adviser help you!
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