" new York Times " faceless column author rancors Telangpubai palace already narrowed limits to se

[los angeles reported Su Wan of reporter of live abroad newspaper on September 8] American president Donald Telangpu (the assistant of Donald Trump) people searching " new York Times " faceless column author. This column author shocked political world, and already narrowed to the search limits of Ta several people.

According to CNN report, telangpu still " be obsessed with " at searching this columnist, although aides and staff of the White House grows John Kaili (John Kelly) suggests Telangpu abandons, pay close attention to the opinion on public affairs in this column article with avoiding to make the public more. This comment article is by an advanced government official that does not wish to disclose a full name of compose, claim the president sufferred boycott in his governmental interior.

CNN does not know assistant of the White House at present people stare at the what person that go up. In be interviewed, triumphant Li installs adviser of the White House graceful · Kang Wei (Kellyanne Conway) says, telangpu thinks this person comes from national security branch of the government.

" new York Times " faceless column author rancors Telangpubai palace already narrowed limits to several people

Telangpu (graph source: Reuter)

This column article publishs Yu Zhousan afternoon, be in before today, wu Dewo heart of · of senior correspondent Bob (the new book of Bob Woodward) " scared: ? Da of leg of Ji situation bastinado drops  ?Fear: The cento of Trump In The White House) is published. Publish in " Washington Post " the new book extract that goes up with CNN shows, the White House is gobbled up by disorder and confused place, include assistant to insult Telangpu's story among them, they even the file from the spirit away on the desk, sign in order to prevent him.

The anonymous writer of this column article shows, telangpu the obstruction of governmental interior and the obstruction with left-wing politics are different. The author is written, the resistance of governmental interior hopes " the government can be successful... but the first responsibility that we believe us is to this country, the means act that the president continues to damage our nation health with a kind " .

"This is why a lot of person hair that Telangpu appoints swear to do our best, protect our democratic system, frustrate at the same time Telangpu more misdirect are actuation, till him nonofficeholding. Till him nonofficeholding..

The author still is written, "The blame morality that the germ of the problem depends on a president " , and assail Telangpu " harum-scarum decision " , " curious behavior " , and the president that this official place describes " blundering, hostile, narrow-minded and small effect " leadership style.

More than 25 Telangpu senior official denies the government publicly had written this column article, include Peng Si of · of vice president Michael among them (Pang Pei of · of Michael of Mike Pence) , Secretary of State (chief inspector of information of Mike Pompeo) , state Dan Keci (Dan Coats) and defense minister Zhanmusi Madisi (James Mattis) .

After this column article is published, sang Desi of · of Sara of secretary of news of the White House (Sarah Sanders) is pushing go up especially write: "Media is obsessed with to the insanity of identity of this anonymous craven, profaning the fame that is the national service, great American that works for Telangpu's president by tens of thousands in unbridled ground. Stop. Stop..

In Zhou Si the contest anthology in the evening is met before, telangpu expresses, " new York Times " the decision publishs this column article to may be called " betray one's country " . He returns assail this column article is " do not have gutty " , and the person that keeps this article is " true disgrace " .

Zhou Wu, telangpu expresses, sai Xinsi of · of Jeff of his hope attorney general (the identity that Jeff Sessions) is investigated and exposes the person that publishs this comment article.

"Yes, who is the author that I think Jeff should investigate this article, because I believe this is national security really, " Telangpu Zhou Wu says to the reporter on aircraftman date.

Fuluoleisi of American judiciary spokesman (Sarah Isgur Flores) rejects to publish a comment to this matter before, express " we won't confirm or deny investigation " .

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