Psychological analysis: Pass sell bilk head " spirit is controlled " " brainwashing art " secret

Psychological analysis: Pass sell bilk head " spirit is controlled " " brainwashing art " secret

"Brainwashing art " , pass namely market a tissue with a variety of methods, (D total law, also be cake, turnip) advertise sell rapid and rich crooked grain through passing, (A method) puzzle your judgement ability, (B method) means of the thinking way that changes you, moral sense, behavior, (C method) the affection that arouses you and mood, (E method) the appetite that stimulates your heart, (F process) make the person is sold to passing arrive by suspicion believe thoroughly, (G result) agree with its viewpoint of value not only, (H result) and to its generation economy is depended on, psychology is depended on, affection is depended on, till deep-set among them and cannot extricate oneself!

Case analysis:

Ever expanded line of nearly 5000 under one's name " 4 · 8 especially big pass sell guilty gang " class A agent says frankly to the reporter, pass sell even if " one will result into 10 thousand bone withered " brutal bilk, lean of countless " get offline " fatten " pyramid " apical class A is passed sell business people. Its get offline also is its sister-in-law is explained, "No matter be cosmetic it may not be a bad idea, health care,taste it may not be a bad idea, it is a cover, those who resemble our sale ' much more beautiful grow ' cosmetic has 160 yuan only into valence, sell a membership with 2900 yuan price however. Sell a membership with 2900 yuan price however..

Passing those who sell a head to earn is the membership due that get offline, this one gang has brutal regulation more: Eliminate weak force member a bureau. So, is defect of 100 thousand factitious He Gong same pass annul sloughy? Original, everything results from " legerdemain " cover glazing link " brainwashing art " . Article of spring of Zhao of header of classics detect detachment says the public security bureau of Zi rich city that straightforward command uncovers this case, look from the circumstance that masters at present, "4 · 8 pass sell a gang " " brainwashing " with the measure such as person control successful rate is as high as 90 % .

"Brainwashing " , pass namely market a tissue with a variety of methods, advertise sell rapid and rich crooked grain through passing, (A method) puzzle your judgement ability, (B method) means of the thinking way that changes you, moral sense, behavior, (C method) the affection that arouses you and mood, (E method) the appetite that stimulates your heart, (F process) make the person is sold to passing arrive by suspicion believe thoroughly, (G result) agree with its viewpoint of value not only, (H result) and to its generation economy is depended on, psychology is depended on, affection is depended on, till deep-set among them and cannot extricate oneself! A variety of inside, common people of true enough caution!

Psychological analysis: Pass sell bilk head " spirit is controlled " " brainwashing art " secret

"Brainwashing " one of art

Elaborate choose is passed sell an object

Handle a case personnel summary: "Have unrecognized talent " person, come off sentry duty person, indebted person, graduate, bagman and the person that be out of job is optimal development object; "5 with 4 friend " (it is classmate, of the same clan, colleague, fellow villager, good to be the same as; Friend of friend, wine, comrade-in-arms, roommate) it is object of the easiest deceit

Passing in marketting a tissue, development " get offline " be called to invite about " new friend " . What person becomes choose target the most easily? Group of detachment of detect of classics of substation of public security of village of week of public security bureau grows Li Jie to sum up, "Have unrecognized talent " person, come off sentry duty person, indebted person, graduate, bagman and the person that be out of job is to go up the line is interested most. These person majority are malcontent to the current situation, far to monetary longing want than average person tall. Passing annul over there personnel, "5 with 4 friend " (it is classmate, of the same clan, colleague, fellow villager, good to be the same as; Friend of friend, wine, comrade-in-arms, roommate) because each other are familiar, be on guard psychology is weaker, become the target that they cheat the most easily. "4 · 8 especially big pass sell a gang " victim Li Tong says, my cousin says Zhou Cun here had worked to search, I came. After coming, concentration is in " family " in, with someone else, mobile phone, Id of what, by " the parent " concentration closes, we in the two bedrooms that 10 people hire in, eat together, do not let go out, successive class of a few days of attend a lecture.

Psychological analysis: Pass sell bilk head " spirit is controlled " " brainwashing art " secret

"Brainwashing " of art

Give lessons through stirring bring a desire into play

One member describes " intense shock " : "I come for the victory, do not lower his head to failure, the thing that does not do without me on the world... " my passion begins to expand, preparation does important matter line of business one time

"The person that succeed " introductory experience, impart alleged " learn successfully " , draw the outline of " brilliant foreground " , change their state of mind, expand its become rich longing. "4 · 8 especially big pass market a tissue " Liu Jing's diary recorded B class member " learn successfully " the intense shock that brings oneself: Enter pass market a tissue the following day, I begin to accept groom, brainwashing. What give us lecture for the first time is the director of about of a college teacher. Above all, the element that he analyses an influence to succeed -- , the weakness of environment, idea and human nature: Be afraid of, lean, lazy, procrastinate, face. He imparts, the success must have a few state of mind, be like boss state of mind, sale trade is one kind does not have shop form, although do not have storefront, but want to join only, was equal to shop, want crash, cruel rich, must capture " sell continuously " this opportunity. The country should is opposite sell legislation continuously, want legalization immediately... should make successfully from now... my passion begins to expand, preparation does important matter line of business one time. "I come for the victory, do not lower his head to failure, the thing that does not do without me on the world " ...

Psychological analysis: Pass sell bilk head " spirit is controlled " " brainwashing art " secret

"Brainwashing " of art

Build softhearted atmosphere, education psychology is depended on

Record and narrate of one member diary " touch " : From receive a car to rise, "" in the person's care with respect to meticulously; "Psychology is shared " , " happy momently " the activity is shared " successful " , your frustrated person feel fully " warm "

Pass the diary of beautiful jade of horse of the person that sell, recorded " " " mutual care, mutual help " softhearted atmosphere. From receive a car to rise momently then, "" in the person cares with respect to meticulously " new friend " , hit matting of hot water, shop to you even, accompany you to phone parents to declare " restful " ; Be in in the firty few days, ask without the person you want board expense even. "" in often organize " psychology is shared " , " happy momently " wait for an activity, encourage you to change the weakness on a few bodies. If you are bashful or cowardly, someone else applauses for you, beat is strong; "Family " confabulate is returned between the member, encourage each other, communicate " result " , talk about oneself by a few so called person that succeed especially " enter row " experience, make you raise hope. Everybody no matter one's previous experience, cook by turns, choose rubbish to use to the ave together, the page that choose course takes, experience " go through the mill is taught " . Be full of in this " the milk of human kindness " in domestic atmosphere, arrival is opposite in spite of oneself first " the parent " confide in sb, the psychology that often reports oneself to its and begin solicit the case that make an appointment with, those who accept the parent and teacher give directions, loosened vigilance.

"Brainwashing " of art

Be apt to is used " science " chart, show high return rate

Drape " science " , " contemporary " appearance, be " brainwashing " person commonly used one action

The person that give lessons often sends sold high return rate through chart conduct propaganda: From crossed coordinate the graph is reached pay redound to pursue, can see clearly participate in send sold high return rate (with 3 years of in the limit of) , the 3rd year but income 1.2 million yuan! Packet technical secondary school of 26 years old did not find proper job all the time after graduation, join pass annul by " brainwashing " hind, he writes in the diary: "Become common cause, too difficult; Dicker also should start fund, it is too difficult to should succeed. And do pass annul want 2900 yuan of money, progress only 4 people are joined, later can reap where one has not sown, this is a successful shortcut. This is a successful shortcut..

"Brainwashing " of art

Seasonable " answer doubt dispels doubts " , aggrandizement " brainwashing " the effect

Partial person also can have a lot of doubt, at this moment, the person that impart can come out to solve comfort them

Alert person can ask: It is to cheat actually, why to speak out?

The person that give lessons replies: Cheat cent to be kindness cheat and cheat balefully. With in one's childhood mom says to give or take an injection indolence is same, say a beautiful fairy tale, the child is accepted bravely, make a friend with this kind of method, share the opportunity that brings money, be kindness cheat, when developing a friend, want to remember this above all, there is not compunctious feeling in the heart, such you just are met feel at ease and justified.

Somebody asks: Make money through deceiving people?

Reply: Your on the line developed you, what 525 yuan extract in 2900 yuan of membership fee that he can pay from you is straight sell award, you to do not let you on is the line earned sell award continuously and reject to join sale network? How you are earned then millions of?

Somebody asks: Why to always want when our activity furtive?

Reply: New friend comes here from the other place, do not be familiar with an environment, be afraid of produce a problem, for safety, the company established rigid discipline. Still have even if disturb the common people all round to avoid, they do not understand us be engaged in so industry of a rising sun, if accused us, public security came, what investigate, the cause that can affect us develops.

"Brainwashing " the surface of art is fair, puzzle popular feeling

Handle a case personnel introduction, allege " the emperor is done by turns, everybody has Qian Ke to earn " , it is to should be passed a bit what allure has most in selling network theory

Share director " 4 · 8 especially big pass sell a gang " public security bureau of Zi rich city handles a case via detect detachment personnel introduction, this gang is executed strict " 5 class 3 rank " make, namely agent of the member that class of the member that class of E class member, D is popularized, member that C class grooms, B acts as agent, class A; 3 rank for: The member rises the member that groom to be one class, the member that the member that groom rises a representative is one class, the member that act as agent rises an agent to be one class; Outstanding achievement achieves certain level ability to upgrade. Various distribute bonus according to his outstanding achievement, level is higher, bonus is more. "New friend " hand in 2900 yuan to become member E form, develop line of 2 under one's name to become D form, get offline development gets offline or him development gets offline 9 become C form, direct or get offline secondhand achieve 64 litre for B class, get offline achieve 393 litre for class A.

Should pass a bit what appeal has most in selling network theory, it is them advertise " piece bureau make " . Want to hand in 2900 yuan of admission to be able to become a member only, development gets offline, ordinal and rising level, until rise for class A. After becoming class A, if get offline,4 people rise again for class A, automatic " piece bureau " , leave a network, earned without Qian Ke. This that is to say the emperor is done by turns, everybody has Qian Ke to earn. And acceptance is accomplished go out after class A the bureau is OK gain 5 million yuan.

Apparently look, should passing the regulation that sells a network is close, it seems that each member wants to be done according to what say on regulation only, development gets offline twice, OK reap where one has not sown, in not far can become millionaire in the future, but fact however far from is such. Flaunt the scientific sex of the network, it is get rid of sb as soon as he has done his job actually, safeguard those who be hidden in backstage organizer most golden eggs, this also is the its greatest place that cheats a gender.

Regular regulation member must send those who exhibit two above get offline to just can rise the member that it is promotion, ever since as get offline to develop again severally get offline to accumulate outstanding achievement to upgrade stage by stage to fixed number ability, but the condition is, get offline must two people above reachs below one level. That is to say, what have you only is direct get offline two people raise C level, you just have an opportunity to raise B level; Want to rise class A, must two get offline directly raise B level. If cannot satisfy this requirement, cannot upgrade, can be gotten offline to surmount by oneself, and once be surmounted, can be washed out by merciless ground, also make money without the opportunity again. Although boil agential level by good luck, if what belong to direct or get offline secondhand personnel has 4 people to also upgrade for the agent, be about to go out automatically bureau.

Of this kind of model washing out a mechanism is to maintain apparently pass market a tissue ceaseless get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh, what safeguard actually is the organizer's interest. Be opposite according to police the statistic of the agent of 13 class A that has seized in the case, take a 5 million yuan to also be done not have truly, two illegal income are highest is betray oneself go up the line works alone. And the person that these 13 people operate is in 200 people above, but lord it over is mixed in topmost father Yang Mou his aides and staff people, however its huge financial resources mixes depend on force, never had left a network, grabbed from which 10 thousand yuan thousands of.

"Brainwashing " of art subconscious " brainwashing "

Person head accepts the means cent of information to receive two kinds of kind unconsciously to be mixed conciously, we can be differred everyday degree materiality or aeriform stimulation, cause our attention and produce the reaction of different level, be being received conciously is person head ground at the exciting Youzhijiao of circumjacent thing the ground receives information; and be being received unconsciously is the person head stimulation to circumjacent thing is received insensibly, this is alleged subconscious.

Subconscious " brainwashing " 6 big features:

1. energy is tremendous subconscious it is the 30 thousand times above that shows recognizant strength.

2. likes to carry emotional colorific message most.

3. does not know true and false, will go continuously continuously.

4. Yi Shoutu resembles stimulating

5. remembers difference, need to be stimulated strongly or repeat stimulation.

When 6. is loosened, enter the most easily subconscious.

Subconscious " brainwashing " channel:

1. hearing spurs a law:

When your panic, fear, when lack is self-confident, cry a few times greatly, resemble lifting weights, strike vociferant and same, can regain power instantly. Audio force can affect your belief, bring positive action. The home in you medium or put subconscious tape all the time elsewhere, need not notice it, what it also can enter you is subconscious in, also can put in Morpheus namely, because ear is,24 hours are stretched, consciousness does not listen, but subconscious can hear all the same, the effect is very good still.

2. vision spurs a law:

A dreamy board is built in the room, draw oneself target into picture scissor, stick in the dream board go up to look every day, what can stimulate you every day is subconscious, reach your dream.

3. view wants to spur a law:

Use subconscious the principle that does not divide true and false, the successful setting that derives you hope is brought in cerebrum, achieve thereby replace you subconscious in the purpose of negative thought, consider a suggestion through iteration view, change ego meaning resembles, establish successful belief, make ego produces active operation, achieve booked goal.

(personnel of above experience case all is alias)

Psychological analysis: Pass sell bilk head " spirit is controlled " " brainwashing art " secret

Sufficient understanding passes sold 3 large deep arrangement to endanger

The understanding that average person sells a harm to passing or feeling of member of noisy family of shadow of bureau be confined to, cause pecuniary loss, bring not stable element to wait to local society, and specific direct " 4 · 8 " the Yu Hongde of deputy director general of public security bureau of Zi rich city of big case, handling a case sell to passing in the process had more intimate knowledge, his analysis passes the harm that sells deeper arrangement:

One, go up in economics level, pass annul it is immediate step in order to cheat, market the trustful resource between person and person. Once participator discovers he is cheated, unfixed means is development gets offline, cheat others. A giant cheater network is built. If pass,sell absoluteness development to go down, socially the trustful resource of person and person will be broken without current limliting, can shake after all the foundation that market economy Lai Yifa exhibits.

2, go up in sociological meaning, disintegrate society is basic and unit -- , family, shake the base with stable society. Pass sell mobile participator to have identical experience more, be worked in order to introduce to be a name by kin friend namely, cheat provincial town. In sharing staff, it is weak force group more. End product often a lot of people breaking up one's family, the family broke up, some because " brainwashing " excessive investment, spirit is adjacent break down the brim.

3, on psychological meaning, broke through morality and legal tie, jeopardize thought belief base of the person. Pass sell " brainwashing " , let a person not be disgrace in order to cheat, think instead flourish. Pass annul groom the member that gave not to suffer morality to restrain, even if organization is banned, be engaged in passing no longer annul, had made the compunctious sense when immoral thing without normal person, become extremely selfish, be bent solely on profit. If such social member attains certain scale, social hierarchy of control will face the risk that break down.

Pass annul control a person through spirit and thought not only, still dominate the person's action through controlling economic environment.

From this bit for, the altitude that transmits sold harm to want to cause social all circles and government sector really takes seriously.


(the friend that likes field of philosophy, psychological, medicine, aesthetic, IT, duty, sale, travel, culture, can pay close attention to grass of big desert revive from death. : )

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