Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one yea

Greeting transmit is encircled to the friendFuture 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

On the Chinese earth of autumn day, each inches are beautiful.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Zhao Wen of graph bug Guo

Alleged " White Dew arrives, qiu Yinong " , the season of the thickest Mo Chongcai is coming, that scenery, every glance, many inches of deep feeling.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? You Xia A strongs and pervasive fragrance

Future inside 2 months, arrive by north south, or golden, or fiery, brief and enthusiastic, make an appointment with on 35 good friends or be be driven oneself together with family and go, fine fine savour this gorgeous autumn scenery, it is again satisfied really did not pass.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Graph bug - - of natural and smooth writing

Frontal aid offer

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Warm current of graph bug southwest

The diversiform-leaved poplar of frontal aid offer, the United States gets insolent capricious, those who come is early, diversiform-leaved poplar is green, the charm of show of golden without that look as far as one can a thousand li; The evening that come, wind sweeps past 100 branches,

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Graph bug pretty is arrogant

So, be in only annual here comes in October by September, one that when just can witness azure blue sky fall is golden, wrap around as the body Jin Jia's soldier, valiantly ground stands between heaven and earth.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? The day with graph much happier bug

Optimal journey time: 9, October, the day enrages bright high, little sand blown by wind, appropriate enters desert hinterland. Especially the first ten days of a month will come in October the middle ten days of a month, diversiform-leaved poplar leaf fizzles out the most brightly beautiful.

Finish canopy channel

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

Of autumn finish canopy channel, lin Guan of colour of red autumnal leaves admires time to grow early again, overflow hill red autumnal leaves, colour forest see everywhere, just like by red autumnal leaves the multicoloured world that colour forest laps.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

Arrive from cereal bottom Shan Dian, one channel tens of in layer forest all is caught, the point that sees all is the multicoloured facial expression that makes a person dazzling.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

Optimal journey time: Annual the middle ten days of a month came in September in November the middle ten days of a month

Accept of noise made in coughing or vomiting this

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Photograph of shadow of graph bug net is followed

If say the Xinjiang of autumn day assumed the beautiful scenery of one most of Chinese, so the accept of noise made in coughing or vomiting of autumn this, can say to contract Xinjiang of 90% fine-looking.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Qiao Longquan

If lake water dark blue is lapidary, lan of colour Lin Ban is like canvas, snow mountain lofty and dignified. . . . . . Si Yizhuang of accept of noise made in coughing or vomiting's beautiful attitude won the place of the person that Qiu Rijiao handsomes.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Graph bug You Xia flies

Optimal and seasonal: Mixed in June optimal in September

Hill king level ground

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

In hot Chongqing, having a such places, be enclothed by grand grand immense forest, boundless and indistinct mist is enveloped, autumn day when, it is to glow more, can says to compare " maple leaf highway " 100 times more beautiful, it is hill king level ground.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Brigadier of graph bug navy

Driving a car, gallop in by the metasequoia of golden color forest the Liu Sha with green forest on surrounded highway, left hand is the autumn, the right hand is summer, this kind of eerie feeling, be not its to the body is met and do not know.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

Optimal and seasonal: Age two season

Entrance ticket: Open time freely: Round-the-clock

Beach of the Red Sea

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Graph bug another eye

Those who knit red beach is a grass of alkaline bitter fleabane with a soft fine, she grew an area every year in April, it is first tender red, gradational turn deep, in September by red become violet.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Graph bug Jiang Xu 0603

You should go to this autumn Pan Jin visits beach of the Red Sea, have a look in be soiled of this salt alkaline bittern, in Ran of smooth Yin Ren, a when brew goes out fiery life colour and lustre.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Graph bug DAYU_ZH

Optimal and seasonal: In May - optimal in October

Entrance ticket: Adult ticket: 80 yuan (include commercial and transportation center of beach of park of wet ground of bay of reed Hai Guanhe, crescent moon, the Red Sea)

Ma fine channel

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

City of Sichuan A dam 13 counties, everywhere all scenery, it is heaven step by step, resemble the name is not big place like Ma fine channel especially, little the thank you for you hospitality of tourist, scenery alone good, especially Qiu Rili, chi Hua and Gong Feng contest are colourful, beautiful and extraordinary.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!


Ma fine channel, primitive plain on the west secret condition, the person that has gone says not crooked visit, and communication is easy, road condition is good, cart car is no problem.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Graph bug Amanda_sunny

Open time: Chun Xiaqiu 3 season, winter may be very beautiful but receive channel not easily, only pedestrian

Coordinate: County of Xiaojin of autonomous prefecture of the Qiang nationality of A dam Tibetian

Tower plain village

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Graph bug Liu coulds there be less

Talk atmosphere, nobody can be compared with the Xinjiang photograph of autumn day, but theory beautiful, also can find out a few to mix rarely compare of tower plain village.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

Autumn individual lasting appeal, a when always hide in ancient dorp to be deduced a canvas, gorgeous and have poetic flavour, walk in the tower plain village, look at the scenery before, heaven is such nevertheless also.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Life of graph bug harships

Ticket of entrance ticket adult 20 yuan; Student, 60-70 year old old person by effective certificate half-price ticket; Old person of 70 years old of 1.2 meters of the following children, above by effective certificate free of charge

Wu source

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Graph bug Big roc

Wu source has been old " the net is red " , oily cauliflower of spring of in every case leaves, or it is Qiu Rigong when the leaf all is caught, after all is to should have a look.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

Cloud and mist diffuses, smoke from kitchen chimneys waves in the wind, wanton in sky flow is fluctuating all sorts of configuration, be like a not dry gouache, pick a dry,crisp air of autumn day casually, experience ecstatically inviting feeling.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

A Ershan

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

The A Ershan of autumn day, have the aureate birch forest belt like palette, of green forest meadow, gules azalea fill clump, volcanic lava of black and the lake face with lubricious azure blue.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

Lovely young the people moves back and forth in the meadow or not be the woods from time to tome between, a quiet scene, let a person cannot bear disturb, think a station only beyond fine fine appreciation.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

A Ershan Qiu Zhi brigade: End reached optimal travel time in August in September the middle ten days of a month

Entrance ticket: On June 1 - on October 15 Zhou Yi - weekday general through ticket: 180 RMBs; On October 16 - second year on May 31 Zhou Yi - weekday general through ticket: 1: of 50 RMBs half-price ticket?  ?

The prairie on dam

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Yu Lin of graph bug week

The autumn of the prairie on dam, have the person of the prairie of stretch to the horizon and shepherd only, the Zhuang Meihe with llano God tall only weak cloud is flowery and multicolored refined, general like fairy tale world.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

On dam very beautiful, no matter be careless long warbler,fly, flower everywhere Chun Xia, still glow fall, it can allow your forgetting to return.

Future 2 months country is the most beautiful draw bethel exposure oneself, miss should wait one year again!

? Perspective of banyan of graph bug A

Optimal journey time: 5~10 month

The autumn is gorgeous to extremely but however very brief.

Golden diversiform-leaved poplar, multicolored colour forest, strong beach of beautiful the Red Sea, beautiful Gu Cun falls. . . . . . A right place is searched in right time, attend sumptuous dinner of an autumn day.

Knapsack travels

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