Story: The talk fails, broken bits male strike her violently, the uncle is an interest abuse her

Story: The talk fails, broken bits male strike her violently, the uncle is an interest abuse she

The 8th chapter wants shameless

In the sitting room temporarily quiet and special, yu Hao sits in single person sofa, have sth in mind of small narrow one's eyes is staring at Mo Xiaoman, come 3 years for the first time the eye looks him up and down this wife.

Want to be less than the person that can please oneself only all along, so have a glib tongue, she such manner, resemble he lets accident euqally when her declare divorced that day.

If say after that day, he still thinks she meets herself fart summit summit runs to make low hot season small apologize to oneself, so now, he begins to believe, she is to wanted to divorce with oneself sincerely.

Sneer, such strong manners, a few days can you hold to again? Want to play the game of this kind of leave sb at large in order to apprehend him afterwards unexpectedly, does she think who she is?

Phonate breaks this of odd atmosphere, it is the Mo Qing that does not have phonate all the time joyous, she is staring at Mo Xiaoman neck amazedly to still do not have the kiss mark that drops off thoroughly: "Elder sister, how can there be kiss mark on your neck? How can there be kiss mark on your neck??

Say to seem to realize oneself entered disaster, cover hastily Pull in your ears! , the Chao Yuhao of perturbed looks at the past, latter one face depressed, staring at her bare and outer neck to death to death!

Mo Xiaoman is subliminal cover neck, in the heart one confused, a moment ago aplomb vanishs completely immediately, be about to go upstairs hurriedly, beside course beyond Hao when was held by him artifice!

He slowly rise, acid path: "I say how you are abrupt approach wait not as good as should divorce with me, it is so outside have a man. Ah, mo Xiaoman, you still are to make a person disgusting really. You still are to make a person disgusting really..

Mo Xiaoman is swung by his firm firm, nearly falls, still do not have stand firm, by the Mo Weiping fan of choler spank, horn of desk of head dash against, see blood immediately.

Mo Weiping is extremely angry, covering wind drops sit on sofa, zhou Li helps him arrange gas hastily, persuade him to fasten at the same time excited.

"I how not can excited? " Mo Weiping anger: "The issue that she makes this kind lose face will let me how not excited... Mo Xiaoman, you, you return otherwise to want a face! You hurry, apologize with Yu Hao rapidly! You hurry, apologize with Yu Hao rapidly!!

Mo Xiaoman heart is smoked painful, wiped slip the blood of canthus, she is maintaining desk horn to rise: "I am right, by what thoroughfare apology? I had had nothing to do with with him... "

"Marriage had not left, do you want to cast aside clear impact with me with respect to rapid move? At the outset how don't you leave me far bit? " Yu Hao is commanding, cold path: "Say, these two days is you and who together? The severe city elder brother of a bamboo stick used as a toy horse of your green plum? The severe city elder brother of a bamboo stick used as a toy horse of your green plum??

Listen to him to pull Li Cheng, the path that Mo Xiaoman is driven beyond forbearance: "I and severe city are blameless, you are little bullshit! You are little bullshit!!

See her develop him growl for Li Cheng, fire of for no reason of more than Hao is big, mouth not choose character path: "Blameless? Then you tell innocence me, which tough man leaves these things on your body? Beside you besides a Li Cheng, who can still have so shameless, the woman of others of be covetous on! The woman of others of be covetous on!!

Lip of Mo Xiaoman bite into, orbit is calorific, this momently, she feels suddenly, oneself never know Guo Yuhao truly, so aggressive mouth not choose character as the man like severe ghost, she liked 3 years unexpectedly!

The good friend says her eye is blind, do not have missay a bit really.

Mo Weiping saw Yu Hao get angry really, fear the increase that he reachs his company because of its drag in of Mo Xiaoman, shuang Mei one horizontal stroke, develop Mo Xiaoman growl to in a stern voice: "Were if Yu Hao says, you heard? Not frank still explain, who is the tough man outside after all? Who is the tough man outside after all??

Mo Xiaoman closes a key point, obstinate do not agree to start to talk.

Her silent give the impression of weakness was become in falling in people look, zhou Li pointed track: "Grain Full, do you see you enrage your uncle into what kind of? Unhappy still and acknowledge a mistake! To now you still dare scatter fire to Yu Hao, do you want us child gas just is content with to death? do you want us child gas just is content with to death??

The article comes from a novel " Huo Shaochong wife too affectionate "

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