Yan'an: Child supervisory bureau of medicines and chemical reagents of food of county of combinatio

Give birth to the safety on the tip of the tongue to guarantee middle and primary school, cogent improve level of management of school food safety, on September 10, child supervisory bureau of medicines and chemical reagents of food of county of combination of procuratorate of long county people begins safety of school dining room special inspection works.


The egg grandma project that key two pairs grows prefectural show to delay middle school, show to delay middle school of bay of elementary school, neat home and disinfection of operation distributing food, cold storage, food leaves record of Zhang of appearance, stage to wait undertook the spot is supervised, through examining detailed list of raw material of replenish onr's stock and supplier aptitude document, examination pedlar card acts accordingly system of security of manage, food is fulfilled, make the case such as a sanitation, guidance rectified and reform a kitchen to operate a section to did not do waterproof processing, food taking shape to did not stick storeroom of date label, raw material to deposit the problem such as other article, cogent the safety that defended the tip of the tongue of teachers and students to go up.


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