Because malcontent Telangpu is in office,spokesman of the White House is gone out to not please city

[reporter of live abroad newspaper is able to bear or endure the gram reported on June 23] Sangdesi of spokesman of the White House (Sarah Huckabee Sander) pushing on June 23 go up especially because she and presidential Telangpu are relative,express, in Virginia at 22 days of evening the have dinner of a dining-room of the city was banged by the boss go out.

Because malcontent Telangpu is in office,spokesman of the White House is gone out to not please city dining hall

Sang Desi is pushed special check scheme

"Because I am Telangpu to work, I was notted last night auspicious Ni Yazhou Laikesendu city (Lexington, VA) ' red hen ' the boss of dining-room gives dining room please. My polite departure, " Sang Desi hair pushs respecting.

Sang Desi continues to say: "Her action showed her is how person, is not me. I all the time courteous need a person, include the person of those and my dissension, I will still hold to such criterion all the time. I will still hold to such criterion all the time..

Sang Desi's father, arkansas bey suddenly gram is compared before (Mike Huckabee) also the action that assail dining-room takes to his daughter. He pushs on Saturday civil say: "Proud, be ' red hen ' a dish on restaurant menu, you also can want a dish " animosity dish " , dish is before " the narrow idea of pannikin " .

The facial book page of this dining-room is flooded by the place of opinion on public affairs of Sangdesi's proponent, direction of southwest of special zone of this distance Washington only the speech mailbox of the dining-room phone of 3 cars Cheng also is hit to explode at the same time.

California netizen Douglas S. Say: "Be based on their animosity and bias, I won't go for certain here, american was not mixed all the time smooth struggle with social justice, but here however by cannot tolerate the fascist element place of others is had. But here however by cannot tolerate the fascist element place of others is had..

Washington netizen Steven C. Also say: "I also won't come here to have a meal again, the boss is an egomania, they make a person detestable to the method that needs a guest, do not come here to waste your money. Do not come here to waste your money..

According to the United States reports now, sang Desi is banged give dining room this thing criterion by demonstrate person the policy place June 20 mocks Yintelangpu " terminative family is detached " . Telangpu's policy sets, the adult that is arrested illegally to attempt to cross American border can be sued by criminal. If have child company, those children cannot with adult put in prison.

Netizen Frederick H. Of Jackson writes: "Thank you to phonate for us, next month when I come to place, affirmative meeting comes patronage. Affirmative meeting comes patronage..

Since issueing policy in May, frontier defence personnel already about 2, 300 children and domestic person are apart.

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