0 hill: "Atelier of homocentric · law " solution appeals to beg

0 hill: "Atelier of homocentric · law " solution appeals to beg

Client of new Hunan of Hunan daily · is carried on September 18 dispatch (Tang Yuyan of Yang Lijun of reporter Tang Meie) " oneself doorway is established ' legal atelier ' since, never leave home to appeal to with respect to solution beg, contradictory dispute is dissolved ' run 0 times ' . " on September 18, always agency of 0 well of hill area Home Xu the hot Mom of Xu Jiajing community, mention " atelier of homocentric · law " , vertical stroke of all without exception has thumb, nod assist in succession: "Had it, the village becomes harmonious safe " .

"Stick civil code official to take village company, care of the solution that do not have bring a case to court postpones scope of operation " . Arrive at present, only whole area 35 community " atelier of homocentric · law " receive visit 5000 more than person-time, accept masses to appeal to beg more than 200, rate doing a form 100% , masses satisfaction rate is amounted to 100% . Offer law to help many cases 300 for weak force group, derate lawyer service expends more than yuan 50 thousand.

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