Jiangsu destroys one especially big health care to taste sale bilk gang 13.5 yuan of health care tas

Jiangsu destroys one especially big health care to taste sale bilk gang 13.5 yuan of health care taste 385 yuan to sell an old person

Trick the old person to so called " base of old general preserve one's health " travel, taking high-tech to inspect facility next, please " authoritative expert " will have a medical check-up, "Diagnose " illness, again flicker old person is bought " offer central senior officer only " filling body of medicines and chemical reagents.

The near future, procuratorate of peaceful area of weather of city of Jiangsu province Changzhou announced health care of especially big sale one case to taste bilk case. Among them, come inquire after sb's health, free travel, free check-up, disguise oneself as " authoritative expert " ... all sorts of covering the road lets old person impossible to defend effectively, experience case the injured party is foregone reach 1500 more than person.

"Constabulary comrade, a boy takes I and old partner to travel freely, I bought flicker many 70 thousand Qian Baojian is tasted, came back to eat a bit effect to be done not have, was I cheated? " in March 2018, police station of the market before the old person that passes 7 a period of ten years in one's age walks into bureau of peaceful area of Changzhou city weather reports a case to the security authorities. A few months of classics of police all previous checks, the especially big health care that sets 38 sales platform in the whole nation tastes sale bilk gang to destroy.

Occupy the information of day of peaceful procuratorate exposure, the health care that this is a model tastes sale bilk case, covered health care to taste sale bilk almost all sorts of covering road. Introduce according to old person of a few fall victim, gang of this one bilk is to extend first conduct propaganda is odd, do so called " seminar of renown traditional Chinese medical science " , after seizing the opportunity to know an old person, often come inquire after sb's health, celebrate a festival to still can carry gift to come to visit sometimes, next timely invite an old person to go out " free " travel.

A home surnames an old person in the king of Nanjing, with respect to Li of Changzhou be reachinged by flicker of this one gang open season looks the lake travels, be here so called " base of old general preserve one's health " , with from other about a hundred old person that around area comes round a gam, sing, explain to public " healthy knowledge " , gain ground " concept of preserve one's health " . Later, those who have one caboodle honor " senior doctor " " authoritative expert " begin to taking high-tech to check equipment to come on stage, for old people " check-up " and " diagnose " . King surname old person is maintained to contract the disease such as cerebella atrophy, slight block, need a kind to be called " country Tai Tongkang " " offer the senior officer central only " health care is tasted will fill the body.

"Do not let wait to become a regret all one's life, do not let capable precaution turns into acedia! " " authoritative expert " speech provides allure extremely, your many old people are deceived. Occupy the information of day of peaceful procuratorate exposure, via checking, came on March 24, 2018 on June 21, gang of this one bilk only Li this world sells terrace, with respect to bilk 123 the injured party more than yuan 2.12 million.

More astonishing is, this one gang is before executive bilk, often can pass the agency that is in area, pass the information of all sorts of way collect old people, if capacity of body disease, economy, health care tastes consumption,the habit is waited a moment, next have a definite object in view, check-up is issue according to old person illness detect accordingly report. Photograph of annulus of annulus of whole bilk process is buckled, different platform personnel eachs doing his own job.

"After entering office, the company undertook grooming to me, ask I am dummy the identity and full name, saying his is ' center of recuperate of Chinese old general ' chief expert, be graduated from university of medicine of Beijing traditional Chinese medical science, actually we do not have doctor aptitude at all. " after be being seized, guilty suspect impetuouses some is explained, "The health care of the sale is tasted it is 13.5 yuan only into valence / bottle, price is 385 yuan, every sell give a bottle I am OK deduct a percentage from a sum of money 10 yuan. Every sell give a bottle I am OK deduct a percentage from a sum of money 10 yuan..

June 2018, in Jiangsu province Public Security Department unified command falls, police destroyed this one especially big health care to taste sale bilk gang, seize experience case personnel 374 people, punishment arrest 321 people. Recently, procuratorate of peaceful area of Changzhou city weather arrested relevant health care to taste 63 suspects of sale company and stage of Li rising tone with be suspected of crime of fraud approving. Current, this case is being investigated further in. (Zhu Guoliang of Xinhua News Agency)

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