Sleep to be not worn in the evening become aware? 7 kinds of food will help improvement, domestic ho

Sleep can help our body achieve energy, everyday enough sleep, bouncy. But some people obviously very tired, but be asleep hard also, lie on the bed how to also sleep to be not worn, or Morpheus is very shallow, be slept lightly very easily, morpheus quality is bad. This is the insomnious problem that we often say, we should remember seasonable improvement.

Sleep to be not worn in the evening become aware? 7 kinds of food will help improvement, domestic home has

Insomnia, 6 kinds of food help you improve Morpheus.

(1) feed vinegar

Feeding vinegar is to have definite improvement to our Morpheus action, after body overworked, very tired but still sleep to be not worn, can feature of warm water exchange feeds vinegar, can alleviate effectively insomnia.

(2) wild jujube benevolence

Wild jujube benevolence has the material such as rich vitamin and organic acid, can fill lienal, clear heart calms the nerves. Should use parched wild jujube in the late evening only benevolence bubble water is drunk, importunate is drinkable, can greatly shorten the time of Mian, improve Morpheus quality.

Sleep to be not worn in the evening become aware? 7 kinds of food will help improvement, domestic home has

(3) banana

Banana is called the sleeping pill in the fruit, the effect aiding Mian of banana is very good, because rich compound amine and magnesian element are contained in banana,this is, can help alleviate muscle is fatigue. OK and direct use banana or banana is put in bedside to aid Mian, can have the effect.

(4) red wine

Often drink the person of red wine, morpheus scarcely will be poor. Bit of red wine is drunk before sleeping in the evening, can enter Morpheus state quickly, still can remove hairdressing to raise colour action.

Sleep to be not worn in the evening become aware? 7 kinds of food will help improvement, domestic home has

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Sleep to be not worn in the evening become aware? 7 kinds of food will help improvement, domestic home has

(5) mulberry

Be in " detailed outline of a book on Chinese medicine " in account, mulberry can install fetch to press down a god, on the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, mulberry still is used to those who treat generation of deficient empty of liver, kidney is dizzy with neurasthenic symptom, mulberry is neurological to ours have very good inhibition, insomnious person eats some of mulberry more at ordinary times, assure to be able to calm the nerves beneficial wisdom, morpheus quality greatly promotion.

Sleep to be not worn in the evening become aware? 7 kinds of food will help improvement, domestic home has

(6) longan

Longan is OK beneficial wisdom peaceful god, raise hematic filling spirit, no matter be fresh longan or dry longan, use bubble water to drink, it is the effect of conduce Mian.

The food of afore-mentioned introductions, it is the life in very common, domestic home can have, restless moment can take the food that eats these in the evening, it is the effect absolutely exceedingly good.

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