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Through investigation of nearly one day, russia military plan had had clear conclusion in Syrian crash incident. Beijing time on September 18 afternoon, shen Kefu major general of offer of family of Er · of Yi Ge of spokesman of Russia department of defense holds a press conference to express, israel plane pulls Dajiyade in Syria the area makes a surprise attack, and did not inform Russian army to be stationed in plan of action of headquarters of appraise unit group, bring about the Yi Er in this area - 20 planes by down of missile of Syrian S200 air defence. Russia department of defense has shifted responsibility Israel respect entirely, thinking the one-sided military affairs of Israel acts is pair of Russia military plan by the main reason of accidentally injure. In light of the investigation conclusion that just releases from Russia, russia is afraid this is to want dummy to eat the rhizome of Chinese goldthread, israel makes an apology on morality and justice at most, want compensation to be able to seek people on one's own side only -- Ba Sha Er goes wanting.
Russia department of defense thinks Israel ought to be assumed by accidentally injure incident to Russia plane the reason of main responsibility is, israel did not shift to an earlier date to plan martial action to inform Russia, just do not arrive one minute to just inform Russia through the hot line before the action square. But in fact, the give no cause for more criticism of this kind of practice of Israel, what Israel should make a surprise attack is the ally of Russia, shift to an earlier date even if 9 hours are half hour informs Russia, air of blast of plane flying past? Can conclude the Israel before this acts in all air attack of Syria, it is the Russia that shifts to an earlier date a few minutes to inform like this army, it is very unfortunate only this as it happens has E Junfei opportunity around.
Emphasize Israel be being done intentionally with Russia plane as to Russia covering, because area of Russia plane reflex is larger by by accident the view of scamper, just be active exposure the runner-up of function He Xuli with Russian-made inferior weapon is scanty the fact at training. Russia plane by down of system of Russian-made air defence, explain at least both between the system of identification friend or foe with basic lack. Russia had fought bravely 3 years in Syria, main job did not do even this kind, be anxious for Russia air man and Iranian air man really. Syrian government army training level more let a person fear, large airlines and battleplan are in the flight path on radar is not identical, didn't the flight path of large airlines on radar notice when is Syrian soldier firing air defence weapon? It is to feel Israel can employ bomber, is what no matter the sky flies,still pass what dare firing? Department of defense of Russia of no less than introduces in that way, accident place of Russia military plan stands by Hemaimimu air base, syrian government army firing so optional, russian army plane by accidentally injure be sooner or later thing.
November 2015, turkey once down crosses opportunity for combat of a Russia, the Russian land concern at that time is not resembled so close now, turkey does not pass even if make public apology and furtive compensation. This Israel did not firing, although responsible also do not calculate advocate duty, israel may apologize to Russia, but layer class of the apology won't have Turkey so tall, compensation need not think more more. Although Israel is not advocate duty, but Russia also won't calculate plane accidentally injure the ally head in Russian-made weapon or oneself to go up, if there is not Israel plane at that time around, russia also can bring liability on the French warship head that fires missile around at that time certainly.
With the ethical disposition of Russia, since had found scapegoat, even if be to have to domestic people only explain, russia also can find fault to undertake certain retaliation to Israel certainly. The directest is down of wait for one's chance an Israel military plan, at the beginning of this year, iran once crossed an Israel battleplan successfully, if next time Israel again cross the boundary illegally launchs air attack, the air defence system of Russian army or it is the Russian-made equipment that operates Syria by personnel of Russian military affairs again down also is not tickler. But Russia plane by down incident, your original already very complex Syria condition more added a minute of uncertainty, the action of the Iranian war end of churchyard of Israel blow Syria is possible after the near future can be pushed, but won't stop. If Russia and Israel erupt to conflict directly, the United States of Israel and its backside affirms war of can comprehensive intervening Syria, general Beijing also should be weighed in the hand one time well, it is show off temporarily fast, still be submit to humiliation of for the moment, raise light put down gently high to Israel to fall.
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