Deepness uncovers secret: All sorts of low are hit fold the fraud that cheers calorie of backside, c

Newest information: The oil of bay of station of foreign capital oil that accepts masses favour, after entering Guangzhou market, go up quickly in the network with low sales promotion mad pass. The branch intervenes investigation related classics, had renewed market price recently!

What get international crude oil in recent years is queasy, oil of domestic finished product resembles was to leave to hang euqally ceaseless violent wind to rise, negligible now and then reduce a few minutes, next another upgrade climbs, oil price already arrived nowadays 8 yuan of timeses. Have a lot of cars advocate the friend expresses, the oil price injury nowadays does not rise, open-armed hope oil price can be reduced a few. Accordingly, appeared on the market all sorts of hitting fold cheer card, and each cheater is stared at already on, and play by superb!

Cover a region 1: Pretend with in the oil in petrifaction cooperates

Use name of small letter public, the function that friend of have the aid of encircles, adopt broadcast of tactics of sea of faces to hit break news. They are in commonly all sorts of group in or release with individual public date, allege with in the petrifaction in oil cooperates, with 8 fold or 9 fold buy card to come with this car of lure by promise of gain advocate buy check. To the promotion of stranger, new personality won't buy too big denomination commonly, basically be 200 yuan are controlled. Take card when new personality, certain also amount can be used, loosened vigilance naturally also.

After be being used when first time, cheater can contact you actively, can tell you, oily recently card is nervous, let you buy big oil to get stuck. After having the first time credit, this you won't consider too long, want to cheer anyway, this cheap so much, he Le is! And this moment, you are inside the decoy that is immersed in cheater step by step.

Deepness uncovers secret: All sorts of low are hit fold the fraud that cheers calorie of backside, cover a region deeper than!

They are so called big starting is 10000 yuan, according to their view, 8 fold need 8000 yuan to pay only, save 2000 yuan. And they can tell this moment you, these 10000 yuan of oil block meeting cent to be 12 period return still, namely every month also is controlled with respect to 800 yuan. It is OK that big oil is taken to get stuck to believe firmly in you cheer, the 2nd month also is met exactly the amount is returned still, at this moment you are completely trustful also the other side. However after March, they can be deferred with all sorts of reason return return time, to finally they are met you small letter phone is pulled entirely black!

This kind of mode basically is man-to-man transmission, once somebody gets material benefit, can recommend friend or family member, transmission efficiency is a bit slow, but the effect is admirable!

Cover a region 2: Large trade exceeds a shopping mall to establish a point

In stream of people concentrated trade group reachs a shopping mall, also be the place that they often appear and disappear. Car of lure by promise of gain advocate download APP is registered charge a cost and finish cent to enjoy, can enjoy privilege. Same, according to their regulation, you must charge the amount that value 2000-3000 differs above all, attestation becomes VIP. You have this time 2 dimension code popularizes an exclusive, want you to popularize one person only namely, can enjoy the subsidy that enjoys 10-20 to differ everyday, the attention is everyday, and this allowance is lifetime make.

Deepness uncovers secret: All sorts of low are hit fold the fraud that cheers calorie of backside, cover a region one deeper than!

Should be recommended again by promotion person one person, you will get 2-5 yuan the allowance that differ. Want the person below only, popularize ceaselessly everyday, your whats need not work one this year, lying to also can earn a 5-6000 yuan. This kind of mode is similar to a bit pass annul, strength is not small also, need gets offline ceaseless development gets offline.

Cover a region 3: Turn into by the client investor

Undertake with the name of investment the phone is popularized, allege such-and-such company hold cheers card in great quantities, and the company is interior recently capital occurrence problem, need changes immediately now. And want what you bought them to cheer card only, own corresponding equity! It is 8-9 loses privilege likewise, different is this is planted contributive buy, they still can reclaim. For instance you 8 fold purchase, they 9 retrace close, such you " earn in vain " the 1 money that lose. Come so, those who attract a large number of customers buy, amount is huger also. But premise is prepaid money, deliver the goods after! And after delivery time is 30 days!

Deepness uncovers secret: All sorts of low are hit fold the fraud that cheers calorie of backside, cover a region deeper than!

According to the agreement, with 10000 for exemple, you 8 fold purchase need to pay only 8000, 9 retrace of company close can " earn in vain " 1000 yuan. When you when earning the money that come to be put into pocket, you can inform the close friends beside for certain, so great temptation, affirmative meeting has more people to join. And this kind of company can last one year commonly time left and right sides disappears. Once forehead of National People's Congress is bought, or achieve certain specified amount to spend, the company can coil money runnings road!

Remind everybody finally, buy cheer card to be bought to normal channel please, do not covet is cheap, lest be deceived! To this you have what view and proposal, leave a message beneath please communication!

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