Owner is besieged by square dance aunt sudden death, property compensate 80 thousand, the family mem

Recently, live in Hunan Changsha because the congratulate gentleman of some village feels downstair square dance voice is too big, heart stalk is broken out when next buildings and they are academic, die unfortunately.

Owner is besieged by square dance aunt sudden death, property compensate 80 thousand, the family member will sue dancing aunt

It is reported, congratulate gentleman lives in 2 buildings, the child's study to square. Accident that evening sound of square dance sound is particularly big, the child did exercise to be affected.

The building below the wife that is congratulate gentleman first is persuaded, hope they move voice some lower, suffer aunts however besiege.

Congratulate gentleman sees shape also issues a building to persuade, suffer aunts likewise besiege, subsequently sudden heart stalk falls down, and also did not stand up again.

The team of dance of square of after the event came loose, later a few days did not come out.

Owner is besieged by square dance aunt sudden death, property compensate 80 thousand, the family member will sue dancing aunt

Recall accident course, the sister of congratulate gentleman says, (at that time) more than 10 people surround his wife, he above saw come down to say, you these aunts people nod in a low voice, not so noisy, two children should learn. But a little while sound big.

"More than 10 people round speak ill of him male, where does he can bear this exciting cough up. Where does he can bear this exciting cough up..

Owner is besieged by square dance aunt sudden death, property compensate 80 thousand, the family member will sue dancing aunt

The wife of congratulate gentleman says, (square dance aunt) divided two groups, a few people round oneself, a few people besiege her husband. Someone says, how does this person sleep here, she turns around to look, discover husband falls on the ground.

The wife of congratulate gentleman says to tell a reporter, already came to an agreement with property.

Insider says, property and community part with humane angle compensate 80 thousand with 20 thousand; They will sue dancing aunts.

Integrated and insurgent news, see news KNEWS, the People's Daily

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