The wonderful maths of goddess moxa rice

Proofread: Millet

Every obtain MathDuoDaa of attention of search of QQ of small letter, mobile phone more maths interesting article

The wonderful maths of goddess moxa rice

Nuo is a true mathematician especially, it is one of precursor that build abstract algebra, she is good at handling an issue with brand-new means. She caused my attention especially in the job in physics, the mathematical knowledge that in helping a pitiful physicist clear up his theory namely, needs, and the iceberg in the achievement that this just is her one horn. Regard its as the result, nuo spy theorem was born, for professional ground, it is the formula above. This theorem says or state with certainty, to a physics (mechanical) each of the system successive symmetrical commutation, have to it associated conservation is measured to it corresponding. Conversation law is one of academic physics basic rule, it makes us OK decide a phenomenon to whether can happen in physics. Nuo spy theorem bound the symmetry of it and mechanical system rise, make thereby we can be measured from Lagrange only, in the property of a function about systematic energy, deciding what physical quantity is conservation. A lot of conversation law are well-known, for example the energy of a closed system and momentum conversation law, but clear up of ground of success of Nuo spy theorem those conservation laws that appear in latter-day physics new theory (for example broad sense is relativistic) medium paradox. One of saying this theorem is physics " important result " , be some mention lightly.

Ai Micheng grows the family that comes forth in large numbers at a mathematician, but the endowment that her family did not notice her, also do not encourage her to pursue her mathematical dream. When she begins to be attracted by maths, she still is in accept training to become teacher of a language. Be in right now, she begins to go Aierlanggen college visit a class. As a female, she cannot be registered quite formally, so she can go up in the class only audit. After a few years, the female begins to be allowed formally to attend class. But the fair policy about woman right, she was not caught up with all along too much. Have period of time, after she rejoins through doctoral project, she is allowed to go to university of root of elder brother the court of a feudal ruler with Xierbaite's name only teach. After a few years, she found to teach duty at long last, although pay is meager. She never can become a full-time professor in Germany, the job that depends on her even gets corresponding pay. 1933, as a result of her Jewish identity, she was driven out of university of root of elder brother the court of a feudal ruler by German fascist, she removed college of Er of cloth forest cogongrass later, the woman name school of an United States. The day that is in this institute always is accompanying predicament, cannot give lessons quite for instance graduate student course, find eventually duty of teaching by one's own example, healthy state nots allow hopeful, and political situation of Germany is very bad also at that time. But, she the thing of angle look upon that never is the same as however, say " it is a final year I am the happiest in whole life partly, because be in,Er of cloth forest cogongrass and Princeton got admissive, and never had gotten these in these country " . Unfortunate is, she died with respect to the complication that excises an operation because of tumor soon.

When the life with the special Nuo that browse, most the individual character that lets me feel of the shock is her. She is a legend female, a mathematician with outstanding reputation. She was not groovy lifestyle to cause a lot of jest, but herself cares nothing. Her appearance, move is installed and weight often is commented on, her sound also is such, be considered as " loud and offensive " , because unlike is other the woman is conventional on the meaning downy in that way and decorous. She special care student, often share oneself point of view with them, be full of passion and enthusiastic ground to give lessons, even no matter their political footing (the Brown T-shirt that she has a student to often wearing band of assault of a Nazi in those days goes attending class in her home) . Her students speak very highly of she, because she lets them feel she is the one member in student group, "Be like her also is these theorem think in first time " . She a kind concise change and the principle of needless part applies purify at maths and life. She is wearing man leather shoes and jacket, in those day, she a week has 6 days to be in same of a cafeteria same the same hour of a time archives eats same a dinner. Those who occupy Nuo spy is exclusive student of an American graduate student says, "The means that she ponders over problem and job is a portraiture of her lifestyle simply: That is, discriminate an all needless things, push them at the same time, next systemic a person's mind is thrown in real work to go " .

The wonderful maths of goddess moxa rice

Of the work in the same placing that she got her likewise speak very highly of, also try hard continually as a result of them she just is able to find teach duty, it is for the first time in Getinggen, later is to be in advanced academy of institute of Er of cloth forest cogongrass and Princeton (although very unfortunate, she can join latter before die originally) . Hermann the Er outside · , a professor of the Getinggen before World War II, say him " better than her pay to one is engaged in beside her teach duty to feel abashed. Because serve as a mathematician, she surpasses me in a lot of respects " . After important contribution is being made to the broad sense the theory of relativity of Einstein in her, einstein writes to Xierbaite to say: "I got a of Nuo spy lady very interesting paper about invariant yesterday. I am planted to this the thing can be felt impressive by understanding with so general pattern unexpectedly. Old guy of Ge Tinggen should ask for advice of lady of Xiang Nuo spy. She is the person that understands these things truly " . He is in later for " new York Times " write in her preparative obituary notice, "In the judge of the mathematician that has competition ability most in what be still living and in good health when the world, nuo is especially have Promethean mathematical talent most since higher education is opened to the female " .

Unlike her male work in the same placing, nuo was not especially in her lifetime had gotten too much approbate, get because of a few not important things instead however critically. Say as the Si Heman in the historian's gram: "If Nuo is a man especially, her appearance, bearing, with the behavior in the classroom, meet the talent that is unscrambled to be forgetful sex, this is common at the world opinion to the man " . I discover Nuo gives a person a lot of edificatory really especially. Because of her achievement, it is to be in going against stream to walk, cherish her to be opposite those who pursue maths is enthusiastic all one's life, struggle and obtain what pass hardships; The driving force that because she is mixed to the student,works in the same place and manner, to be being disregarded criticallily; Because of her -- wonderful maths.

Every obtain MathDuoDaa of attention of search of QQ of small letter, mobile phone more maths interesting article

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