Be in just! The name is written down explode old man of silvan wolf 36+7 should go los angeles, the

About silvan wolf core news layer of Butler goes today not group, it is NBA name writes down Shams to explode first give Butler to request to trade, bateleming tells a forest the wolf manages a layer truly, the hope trades him other team.

Be in just! The name is written down explode old man of silvan wolf 36+7 should go los angeles, the rocket is run 3 change 1 trade

Subsequently more strong exploded message is transmitted, be in just, write down Woj according to NBA name, rice of auspicious of silvan wolf star - what Butler hopes to join in most is flier, at the same time Batelexi hopes to be able to be in flier again partner a star. Apparent, what Butler values is the compensation space of silvan wolf, and he has the very big eldest child that may become flier.

Be in just! The name is written down explode old man of silvan wolf 36+7 should go los angeles, the rocket is run 3 change 1 trade

Butler once was opposite the data that below 36 minutes of 7 bank throw in the match of a flier, he wants to go nowadays los angeles flier, this also are lot. Of be practical and realistic say, flier from on sports season sent Paul one after another up to now, griffin and small Jordan, their team needs a person that steer a boat really.

Butler is appropriate person selected undoubtedly.

Be in just! The name is written down explode old man of silvan wolf 36+7 should go los angeles, the rocket is run 3 change 1 trade

To flier, butler attacks the beautiful that prevent all, he can become team old man undoubtedly, if conceivable Butler, flier is afraid should send a Harris to wait for bold general, of this be decided by and flier management layer ran. If flier introduces Butler successfully, that finishs sports season the flier western will be a force that cannot ignore.

Still have a team to Butler interest is strong, that is rocket team, the rocket is eager to filling strong 3 oneself, trade come to defend the task that bold will be Mo Lei really, and Butler is optimal person selected undoubtedly. Write down Bill according to NBA name - Ximengsi is analysed, rocket team can be discussed very likely with silvan wolf 3 change of 1 trade.

Be in just! The name is written down explode old man of silvan wolf 36+7 should go los angeles, the rocket is run 3 change 1 trade

The rocket sends the 6th person inside the team Eric - Gordon, overcome Reese and Kabokeluo, get Butler thereby. This trades can finish we still do not know, but what can expect is, if the rocket trades really,come Butler, of that team attack prevent actual strength of two upright whole to be able to come true promote substantially.

Be in just! The name is written down explode old man of silvan wolf 36+7 should go los angeles, the rocket is run 3 change 1 trade

Fan people of be reluctant to part is Eric - Gordon, he who suits a rocket more with Butler? This perhaps is proposition of a bogus, the performance of the sports season on Gordon is very excellent, is rocket management layer willing to trade really is round face ascended? Let our wait and see what happens.

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