Firearms 2767, bullet 63125 hair... Guizhou destroy by melting or burning a batch of guns explode ar

According to the Ministry of Public Security, province gun of punish of blow of Public Security Department explodes the arrangement deploy that article violates crime to act, now, organization of office of countrywide public security begins concentration to unite destroy by melting or burning illegal gun explodes article activity, guizhou various places also is united at the same time begin.

Firearms 2767, bullet 63125 hair... Guizhou destroy by melting or burning a batch of guns explode article

Gun of destroy by melting or burning explodes article spot

Destroy by melting or burning is united in Guizhou illegal gun explodes in article activity, guizhou make choice of area of Guiyang beautiful brook, promote justice city, Carey city of county of city of city of area of hillock of safflower of city of city, abide by justice, Dou Yun, water, An Shun on the west beautiful area 7 advocate field of destroy by melting or burning and 36 cent destroy by melting or burning, to exploding in the illegal gun that captures in special operation article and the official business that discard as useless undertake centralized unity destroy by melting or burning with the gun.

Firearms 2767, bullet 63125 hair... Guizhou destroy by melting or burning a batch of guns explode article

Illegal firearms reachs cutting tool

As we have learned, the gun that unites destroy by melting or burning in this explodes in article activity, complete province in all destroy by melting or burning is of all kinds firearms 2767, official business uses a gun 525, bullet 63125 hair, dynamite 60493.7 kilograms, detonator 57250, guide explode all alone 18637 meters, control cutting tool 12275, emulation gun 1550, black gunpowder 22 kilograms, other control appliance 4325.

Firearms 2767, bullet 63125 hair... Guizhou destroy by melting or burning a batch of guns explode article

Firearms 2767, bullet 63125 hair... Guizhou destroy by melting or burning a batch of guns explode article

Firearms 2767, bullet 63125 hair... Guizhou destroy by melting or burning a batch of guns explode article

Damage the official business that discard as useless uses a gun

Firearms 2767, bullet 63125 hair... Guizhou destroy by melting or burning a batch of guns explode article

Firearms 2767, bullet 63125 hair... Guizhou destroy by melting or burning a batch of guns explode article

Firearms 2767, bullet 63125 hair... Guizhou destroy by melting or burning a batch of guns explode article

Grab illegally

Among them, the article of Guiyang area destroy by melting or burning basically has the official business that comes from Guiyang city to use gun unit attaint to discard as useless each to use a gun 469, mechanism of Guiyang city public security does through detect case, severe check make peddle reach those who check capture is other kind of firearms 385, emulation gun 176, control is implemental 1148.

Firearms 2767, bullet 63125 hair... Guizhou destroy by melting or burning a batch of guns explode article

Firearms 2767, bullet 63125 hair... Guizhou destroy by melting or burning a batch of guns explode article

Illegal control cutting tool

Next, mechanism of public security of Guizhou each district still will begin blow punish deep continuously illegal gun explodes article acts, ensure environment of security of society is smooth and stable.

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