Indian catfish is flush maternal river dries up nearly, appeal China, netizen: Who is becoming fool?

Indian catfish is flush maternal river dries up nearly, appeal China, netizen: Who is becoming fool?

Everybody knows India has river of a mother, and in recent years this mother river was occupied by force by a biology, right the Indian catfish that overruns namely.

Indian catfish is flush maternal river dries up nearly, appeal China, netizen: Who is becoming fool?

Everybody knows India the person that this mother river has countless every year bathes inside, waving to cannot bear on river side orthoptic rubbish, and catfish eats plankton to grow namely, the catfish in Indian mother river should compare other country common catfish is a lot of bigger, still not be two so big, it is the fish in one river so big.

Indian catfish is flush maternal river dries up nearly, appeal China, netizen: Who is becoming fool?

Fish itself has the smell of fish, indian itself rubbish is very much, the catfish that handles is nowhere can be put more, a few fisher think India to export these catfish low, natural China also is among this exit list.

Indian catfish is flush maternal river dries up nearly, appeal China, netizen: Who is becoming fool?

Chinese netizen is informed this message nature is to choose to refuse, also do not think those who be brought up to this catfish eats what thing to drink what water, pron yourselves does not eat exit to let us eat to us, who not foolish, look at disgusting.

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