Zhengzhou occurrence break of one dweller floor: Building site still is interviewed in construction

(original title: Occurrence break of one dweller floor tracks Zhengzhou: Building site still is interviewed in construction reporter meet with refus)

Zhengzhou occurrence break of one dweller floor: Building site still is interviewed in construction reporter meet with refus

On September 20, client of great river of · of great river newspaper is carried with " body of floor of building of the dweller other building site tilts show break " for the problem, reported road of Zhengzhou city culture building of 83 courtyards dweller shows break, tilt badly, can appear at any time the danger of building collapse accident. Up to that day afternoon at 3 o'clock, this article attacks a quantity to be amounted to in end points of great river client only nearly 20 thousand, cause wide attention.

On September 20 morning, reporter again spot of ground of construction of large store of seek by inquiry still is in construction, interview subsequently meet with refus. In culture road 83 courtyards, partial house door had affixed a paper strip for sealing, the dweller still moves in insecurity. Relevant section expresses, later period tears open standard of change ferry charge to let property right person lease a building, specific and detailed find a place for plan will be by October come on stage.

Zhengzhou occurrence break of one dweller floor: Building site still is interviewed in construction reporter meet with refus

Reporter spot interviews construction to still just meet with refus

On September 19 midday, the reporter did not see construction in site of large store construction square relevant controller, the phone leaves after also nobody and reporter connection.

On September 20 morning 9:40, the great river signs up for a reporter to spread construction site greatly again, lower part of " of limited company of group of construction of labour of the nucleus in there is " on blue gate is writing district of Cheng Jianjin water to spread the village in the city to transform a project greatly.

After the reporter indicates the capacity, security personnel rejects to let a reporter enter at the door, its say to need ability of ranking ask for instructions to let enter, after subsequently security personnel makes electrify word, let waiting. The reporter waited for a hour hind in the doorway, fail to enter construction site from beginning to end finally.

"The leader is absent, the manager does not let enter. "The security personnel that is in charge of guarding a gate tells a reporter, did not wait to go rapidly, let impossibly go in.

Subsequently, reporter of great river newspaper comes to culture road 83 courtyards, taking the advantage of on the west the wooden ladder of edge of side wall wall, the reporter sees, construction site still works in insecurity, a few workers are in busy.

"If it were not for their construction, our house also won't appear so serious break. "In interviewing, many dweller expresses, construction square at present till they still are in ceaseless construction, whether to apply man-hour to know the building around can be affected? Do they have without lash-up measure? Also do not know the findings that causes a dangerous house emerges, "About this matter, the government sector should explain " to us.

Zhengzhou occurrence break of one dweller floor: Building site still is interviewed in construction reporter meet with refus

A paper strip for sealing is stuck to let be moved as soon as possible on resident door from

In culture road 83 courtyards, the reporter notices, all stick on many resident door have seal, live the dweller of herein discloses, the government sector is in ask for so that everybody agrees to fall, affixed a paper strip for sealing, but can allow resident to move a thing into house by day only, night is off-limits.

Because Zhou Si is workaday, partial building entrance door tightens a lock, there is a person inside, but also resident is looking for remover, withdrawing.

The reporter sees, in road junction of every unit an arch over a gateway, stick have deal with newly plan. Golden water district spread a village to connect greatly on September 19, 2018 piece transform project headquarters and east wind road street agency was released jointly " culture road 83 courtyards dangerous house is urgent deal with plan " . This plan shows: Building of 83 courtyards dweller builds culture road time is long already, silicon Valley project, large store project is built early or late cause building of this courtyard dweller to appear significant risk affection, together with rains continuously in last few days, danger affection accentuates gradually, can appear at any time building collapse accident, to ensure property of life of the dweller inside the courtyard is safe, special is formulate urgent deal with plan: ?  core young ∪ cough stretchs tight ⒓ enters?018 of Tiao of  of hurry of the  that prevent octogenarian year late on September 19 8:00 personnel withdraw, be in of vacaition of will indoor on September 23, 2018 afternoon article give person of every property right; of 10 thousand yuan of award otherwise the government will be right stop resident adopts coercive measures, do not give award again.

Deal with plan still shows, withdraw instantly to personnel and the person of every property right of vacaition extends 10 thousand yuan of ferry charge. Later period tears open standard of change ferry charge to let property right person lease a building. In addition, cause beyond recall loss to avoid life property, ask person of broad property right and resident be sure to awe-stricken life, safety first, remove instantly withdraw.

Before finding a place for plan is by October, finish

On September 20, street agency gives east wind road great river newspaper exclusive response says, they had discovered relevant problem in the process of daily reseau go on a tour of inspection of early days, after appear in the newspaper, had combined relevant unit to ask to be versed in body stop work is handled, and person specially assigned for a task or job has been arranged in the area pay close attention to development of a got-up affair closely, once new case appears, should report for a short while, cannot conceal do not sign up for.

Current, established working party technically in the light of this incident, divide groups big into 3, round-the-clock uninterrupted begin the work, to make sure the dweller's person is safe, entering door arouse the dweller is moved temporarily from this building courtyard.

Harmonious job meeting was held for many times in the area these days, had extended urgent evacuation plan yesterday in masses hand, made clear among them to the resident that evacuate gave at moving article furniture entirely before September 23 that day, district government rewards government of district of 10 thousand yuan of; to will pay every resident 10 thousand yuan serve as find a place for temporarily charge; working group is uninterrupted during this into door visit, the evacuation; that cooperates masses is in those who begin to make sequel to find a place for plan, predict will at October 30 come on stage before date and fair show. After masses withdraws, they are organizing professional orgnaization to undertake investigating to building circumstance and the cause that create the current situation, findings will be announced in time, just investigate duty lawfully with responsibility personnel to relevant responsibility.

Owner can mention to people court lawfully civil suit

What is the cause that creates dweller floor break after all? How should chase after duty? To this, henan extends attorney office Huang Rui's lawyer to express, " does safety of Zhengzhou town house run way " does thirtieth set: 3 times? City of small ⑾ ? ) , on block people government ought to go general investigation become a dangerous house preferential bring into a city to build a program to undertake transforming. Government of golden water district is at present relevant branch, working overtime make tear open change to find a place for plan.

Because spread the village in the city to transform project construction greatly,at the same time partial owner thinks building craze is likely is undeserved about, basis " tort liability law " : of the 73rd regulation? Does R of lofty of quail of ㄔ of order of G of instrument of back of Φ of smile of  of  of  of model of ferociousing Φ of Song of  of injury of Fei of  of Tuan of Jie of imperial mandate of hill of the impossible that mail busy touch human skeleton and does ministry tip break heir of avarice ㄏ Ling to vault gourd ladle of  of rare  of Dong of filter of Qia of Ti of Guo of ㄔ standing grain points to clump  ?

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